I was inspired by an article on medium.com called "14 Fucks I Refuse to Give in 2014". Please excuse the vulgarity as this WAS indeed the name of the article and it was as uncensored as that. With that being said, I've made my own list of Fucks I Refuse to Give. So without further ado, my 17 Fucks I Refuse to Give.....
1. Other People's Reactions. A long time ago, I was told that you can't control someone's reaction to what you say or do. It sinks in little by little over time, yet I still find myself fighting with my ego at times when someone isn't excited about a gift or when someone is a judgmental jerk over something in my life. The reality is that opinions are definitely like assholes (as the saying goes): everyone has one and most of them stink.
2. Not Being "The Hated Parent" at social events Unfortunately, there are just some parents that are gonna hate me no matter how much I volunteer or do in my free time. There are parents that are gonna loathe me because of what I wear or how I carry myself. I'm just gonna be me and refuse to let the crap bug me.
3. Fixing broken relationships I have this theory that you only get one mom or dad and that you shouldn't give up on old friends or siblings or broken people. With that being said, even though I love some of the people I have broken relationships with, I have to accept that they're not changing in the foreseeable future and stop dedicating my time and effort to fixing them. If they change in time, great. If not, I'll know I dedicated time to the people who WANTED me there.
4. Arguing with Argumentative People It makes no difference how good of a point I make, how much I can back it up, or whether or not I'm even agreeing with the big picture, there's still an argument with some people. I'm choosing not to bother fighting unless it's truly essential.
5. Not Being Blamed for Some Things There are just some things in life I'm gonna be blamed for regardless of whether or not I actually did them. Stubborn people form opinions and then retell the story and focus on their lies so much that they forget the truth. People that truly know me and care for me know the truth of all scenarios so none of the other crap matters.
6. Being Afraid to Wear My Glasses in Public I know it's vain but I've always worried about how dumb and dorky I look in glasses. I no longer care. It is what it is.
7. Being the "Hot mom" Yes, this is something I honestly worried about...ALOT. I remembered what it was like when my Mom would try to flaunt herself and I wanted nothing to do with making my kids feel that way. Now, don't get me wrong...I'm not gonna shop at the local stripper store to pick out clothes for the PTA meeting but if I feel like wearing a bikini in the summer or a skirt to a school dance I'm chaperoning, I'm not gonna feel bad.
8. Changing the toilet paper roll Honestly, I haven't cared much about this in awhile. With that being said, there are a whole lot of people who raise a stink about it.
9. The Chicago Bears You sealed your fate when you re-signed Jay Cutler. I've said for quite awhile that I refused to root for them as long as Cutler is a part of that team. I'm now officially a Broncos fan. Period.
10. Trying to be the perfect aunt It's not gonna happen. Some people are going to be unappreciative of what you attempt to do for their kids no matter what. They will either not acknowledge it at all (not looking for a ticker tape parade but a hey-we-got-your-gift would be awesome) or they'll blow it off. To the ones who DO acknowledge things, I will continue to put forth my effort. This goes back to spending my time and effort on the people who matter.
11. People's opinions on my business-related stuff You don't have to like the way I do things. You can get mad that I won't do a freebie shoot for your friend's uncle's neighbor. The fact is that I am going to do freebie shoots for people I want to do them for and for the images I want to use in my portfolio. The other stuff is going to be what it is. My family is my priority...not my business.
12. People who judge me on my sports-related knowledge In general, these are guys. They are guys who don't think a woman can really talk with them about anything sports related. It can be calling me a cheater in Fantasy Football because I'm kicking their butt or saying that the Broncos aren't my team because I just moved here. Nevermind having more dedication than most "life-long" fans. Nevermind that my hockey team isn't from Illinois either.
13. Being ostracized for being the mom that doesn't allow her tweens to have a Facebook/Twitter account Yes, I get it...I'm soooo uncool. They don't even get their own cell phones! The house line is good enough for both of my tweens and if I have to lie about their age to set up a social media account, it clearly means they're too young. Period.
14. Being PC Yes, I have manners and yes, I have tact. With that being said, I'm done with this "politically correct" bull crap. If you have an issue with the way I speak, you probably shouldn't listen. I'm a Christian but not a specific religion. I'm an independent voter but I agree with some things from both of the major two political parties. I'm not an all-organic mama but I like avoiding medicines and such. I'm not a by-the-book mom but I'm not a baby-wearing breastfeed until they're seven mom either. I'm me and I'm not gonna be PC about it.
15. Telling people whose kids are terrors that maybe their "I don't like to discipline" thing isn't working I will be the first to say that all kids are different and some require different parenting methods than others. I'm also the first to say that if it looks like a duck and walks like a duck, it's not a goose with great hair. If your child is disobedient constantly to your face, yells at you, curses at you, calls you names, or hits you, he's an obvious brat. If people avoid being around you when your kids are present, they're probably a closet brat. Either way, YOU are responsible for molding your kid into those things and I'm done telling people that it's just a phase. Listen, your seven year old is still acting like a spoiled three year old...it's not a phase. It's the kid.
16. Answering phone calls from people I don't want to talk to I'll no longer roll my eyes and muddy through it. I may even put a rejection message that I can slide to that says that I have no desire to talk to them. LOL
and finally.....
17. Whether or not I'm keeping up with someone else I'm running my own race and I'll be grateful for the blessings God sees fit to give me. I've gotten to experience some crazy awesome stuff in the most unexpected ways.