Monday, December 12, 2016

Win as a Team, Lose as a Team

But..... they lost.

Okay, yes, I get it.  I'm just as disappointed over the Broncos win as you are.  All the couch potato quarterbacks out there are pointing a definitive finger at one player or another.  Perhaps they so quickly forget the lesson they learned as a child playing sports: you win as a team, you lose as a team. You don't win because of just one player and you don't lose because of just one player.  Are there adjustments that need to be made?  Of course.  You seem to forget that this is a rebuilding year, a learning year.  You can be disappointed but don't be a jerk.

You'd do well to also remember this with your family.  Your family is not having struggles because of one person.  They might be the targeted "issue" but the other members are responsible for their responses to this "problem."  It might be enabling or it might be non-support.  It might be someone reacting in a cruel manner and it might be someone reacting in a sugar sweet manner when they need to stand up and say, "no."  You win as a team or you lose as a team.  Remember that.

We need to regain our sense of community in this nation.  We need to remember the greatness we have within us as a country and as individuals.

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