Monday, December 12, 2016

Merging Into Traffic

Let's touch base on an issue I've discussed before....merging on the highway.  Here are the basics.

1.  You have an on-ramp in order to gain speed.  This is not designed for you to gun it and just race into traffic without looking.  This is also not designed for you to meander along and then get irritated when people keep going.  YOU are responsible for getting up to pace with the other cars.

2.  Look for a space in traffic as you are gaining speed.  It is not the responsibility of the drivers on the highway to match your speed.  It is not the responsibility of the drivers on the highway to slam on their brakes to let you in.  YOU are responsible for looking for a space in traffic.

3.  If someone is polite enough to leave you a gap in bumper to bumper traffic, do NOT act like a jack hole to them.  Wave politely and move into traffic.

4.  Don't be the jerk that forces yourself into traffic.  Just don't.  You're causing accidents when you nose in and assume that the other drivers aren't going to keep pulling over...and just so you know, as the merging driver you will be at fault in the case of an accident.

5. Do NOT be the driver that merges and then jumps, without looking, across three lanes of traffic.  Just don't. You have mirrors for a reason.  You have a neck to check your blind spot.  Seriously there are other drivers on the highway.

Please practice learning to merge and act kindly on the roads. Tis the season and all that.

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