Thursday, December 8, 2016


My last post concerned villians.... this post is about heroes.  Who are your heroes?

Decades ago, our children's heroes were police officers, firefighters, soldiers and more.  Today, more than half of our children's heroes are celebrities.  Now, let me say that there are a whole lot of celebrities that are truly amazing people.  There are also celebrities that might be great people but they are not great role models for our children and, certainly, not heroes.

We have such a strange filter on our view of celebrities.  We watch their highly publicized good deeds and we think, "Oh what a great person."  What you don't realize is that the $10,000 they donated is a drop in the bucket to them..... it's the equivalent of you donating $10.  It doesn't make it any less wonderful or any less helpful to the organization but they are not a hero for doing it.  Celebrities can be wonderful people but most of them realize they aren't a hero and don't want the title.

Hero is defined as "a person who is admired or idealized for courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities."  Let's encourage the upcoming generation to find true heroes.... and let's strive toward the qualities of heroes ourselves.

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