Thursday, December 29, 2016

The Future

And today....let's focus on the future.  But let's not set unreasonable goals.  Let's set manageable goals.....

You have looked at your past and your present.  You've seen your blessings.  Now think of how you can take care of them better.  Think of how you can take care of yourself better.  Instead of setting a goal to diet, set a goal to eat more healthy and move for a half hour per day.  Instead of setting a goal to run every day (if you have never run before), set a goal to run every OTHER day and do cardio in between.

Set yourself small, manageable goals.  Set a goal for a month.  Then, when you've achieved that, set a goal for three months.  Keep setting small goals to help you achieve the larger things you're aiming for.

You can do it.  This is your year.

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