Thursday, November 17, 2016

Focusing on Blessings

How much better or easier would your life be if you focused your attention on how blessed you are?  Instead of "I wish I had" or "fuck my life," what if you spent your time just focusing on the things in your life that are going right?  It sounds simple enough but it's harder, for some, than you may think.

In this season of giving, let's take a moment to focus.  No matter how small the blessings are, you woke up today.  You have air to breathe, a sun in the sky (even if it's cloudy) and clothes on your back.  You may not be as blessed as what you perceive someone else to be and that's okay.  You don't have to gauge your blessings by someone else's life.  You gauge it by your own.

Every day, make it a point to think about what you love about your life.  Own those blessings and find a way to spread blessings to others.....and then keep doing it.  Eventually, you will find yourself changing and evolving toward a new habit.  You're doing great! Think about your accomplishments and gifts.

Side note:  Tis the season where depression runs rampant.  If you are feeling lost or depressed, please please please know that there is a purpose for you.  Someone needs you right now and you are wanted.  If you have any doubt of that, you let me know. Even if I don't personally know you, I'll listen.  I'll do my best to remind you of how wonderful you are.  Don't lose hope.

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