Friday, November 11, 2016

Veterans Day Plea

Today, we honor our Veterans.  We honor those that fought for our nation in whatever capacity that was.  Every job of every branch is important and deserving of great honor for their service.  In saying this, I beseech everyone to please avoid the negativity associated with the post-election craziness.  Please just put it aside for one day.  Protest if you must but please, for the love of God, don't stomp on the flag because it absolutely (even if it's unintentional on your part) shows disdain for all of those that have fought before you.  Please refrain from stomping on or setting an American flag on fire.  Please.  I'm asking you as a personal favor.

I will support the right to peacefully protest for the rest of my  life.  I will defend those of any race, religion, cultural background, sexual preference, gender or any other "difference".  I will defend those with disabilities, challenges, those that aren't able to fight for themselves.  I will defend those that can't get enough food or clean water or anything else.  I will fight for you and I will defend your right to peacefully protest, even if I don't agree with your perspective but please don't disrespect our nation's flag.  It doesn't prove your point any more clearly.  Please.

We are all in this together, America.  Let's reboot our collective minds here and focus it, today on honoring the amazing men and women that have fought for our country and the freedoms we exercise every day.

Thank you to each and every member of each and every branch of the military.  You are incredible.

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