Friday, November 4, 2016

Unique Qualities

Every child on this planet (and every adult, for that matter) has the potential for greatness.  Let me repeat that....every single child on this planet has the potential for greatness.  EVERY child has incredible gifts that were put inside them.  EVERY child has strengths and unique qualities that no one else has.  Some of them require words and some are completely non-verbal.  Some require grand gestures of grandeur and some are just gifted with giving people a warm feeling simply by being there.  Some are great dancers with amazing technique and others are great dancers simply because they love it so much and convey it in their movements.  Some are beautiful singers and some are great mathematicians.  The point is that every child has something unique inside of them when you allow them to do what they love.  While it's a great idea to expose them to many different things, it is not a good idea to force them into things (especially at a young age). Let them figure out what they love and what they are great at and then find a way to encourage it!

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