Thursday, November 10, 2016

Let Them Peacefully Protest

To almost every supporter of President-Elect Trump before the election,

Please, please, please stop being judgmental jerks over the protests going on outside Trump Tower (and elsewhere).  You can roll your eyes.  That is your right.  You can disagree.  That is your right.  You can bring up that there weren't massive protests when President Obama was elected.  That is your right.

THEY CAN PEACEFULLY PROTEST.  That is their right.

It is NOT their right to loot.  That is illegal.  It is NOT their right to be violent.  That is illegal.  It is NOT their right to bully or threaten others.  That is illegal.  However, don't assume that every single protester is doing these things.  They're not.  Many just want their voice heard.  It is their right, in our great country, to peacefully protest.

Chances are that, soon, everything will go back to normal life.  Everyone will go back to work.  Everyone will go back to their daily lives.  People won't forget anything but they will certainly go back to life.  Chances are that everything will calm down sooner than you might think.

If you think for a heartbeat of a second that supporters of our President-Elect wouldn't have done the same if he had not won, you are delusional.  Calm down, let them peacefully protest and know that things will be calmer soon.

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