Monday, November 21, 2016


"We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them."
-Albert Einstein-

I'm posting this today because there is someone, in fact more than one someone, that needs to see this.  Our problems can seem overwhelming, at times.  We can feel as if it is too much to bear.  It's not. We just need to adjust our thinking.

Take a minute to look from a different view, no matter how difficult it seems.  Take a moment to take a deep breath and look around.  How could you view this in a different light?  What would make this more bearable?

Every tiny step you take away from a problem is a step toward a solution. It may seem that you're not moving a bit some days and other days you will move leaps and bounds.  Do the best you can.  Be strong.  When you can't be strong, find someone who can be strong with you or for you.  It will all be okay.

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