This election cycle (and not just one side) seems to have brought out the worst in so many. We went from a group of adults that were mostly able to discuss things freely and to a group of small children. "Well I like red best." - "No red is stupid. Blue is better." - "Doo doo head." - " Meanie face." I mean THIS was pretty much what so many people have boiled down to. The conservatives that fed into this called all democrats "Libtards", referred to the President as "Obummer", and treated others as if they were dumb. The liberals that fed into it called conservatives "racists," "bigots," and everything in between. And between....were those of us that didn't want to name call. We just wanted what's best for our country.
I'm here to ask something that I consider to be simple. STOP.
Stop with the hate speech on both sides of the aisle. Not all conservatives are racists. Not all liberals are cry babies. Not all Christians are hate-mongers. Not all Muslims are terrorists. In fact, the vast majority of all of these "labels" are just people who love this country and want amazing things for it. The vast majority of these "labels" are the exact opposite of what the accusations say. Yet, still, we look at the one bad strawberry in the patch and say, "Well the whole patch is rotten."
I don't pretend to understand everyone's viewpoints. In fact, part of the reason why I enjoy having such a diverse group of friends is that I love hearing all different perspectives. Sometimes it changes my mind on things but sometimes we just agree to disagree. It doesn't make them better or worse than me; it just makes us accepting of other's differences.
So,please....STOP. Stop the hate speech. Stop the name-calling. I challenge you to truly LISTEN to someone on the other side of the argument. Don't listen to respond but listen to hear. Let them tell you why they believe the way they do. Maybe it will change your mind and maybe it won't but I can assure you that we will achieve much more as a country and as a republic if we remember the melting pot we were designed to be and treat each other with the dignity and respect that we, ourselves, expect.
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