Monday, November 28, 2016


It's easy to be angry. In fact,it's too easy to be angry for some people. What they don't focus on, though, is that anger usually stems from some other emotion.  Often, people are angry because they are hurt.  They might also be afraid.    That's not what this post is about though....

This post is about those that get angry over everything.  In fact, you're probably angry that I'm bringing it up....and that's okay.  Anger can be a healthy thing, when it's only held on to for a short period of time. It's when you hold on to it for days, weeks, months and years that it starts to poison your body and mind.  Your body actually physically reacts to those feelings.  Your mind becomes a trap and everything that comes in, good or bad, comes through that anger filter.

But you can't help being angry, right?

Well, in theory, you can't change who you are but you can change your reaction.  You can choose forgiveness.  It doesn't mean that you've forgotten what happened. It doesn't mean that you are okay with it or that you're admitting fault.  It just means that you're making a choice to not make it your burden anymore.

Today, try forgiveness.  It may change your life.

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