Wednesday, November 9, 2016

United We Stand

After what can only be described as an insane election season and a very unexpected outcome, can we please just all take a moment.  Take a deep breath.  Close your eyes and realize that the world has not ended.  Realize that it's going to be okay.

I don't know if you voted for Hillary, Trump or a third party.  I don't know if you wrote in a candidate of your own.  I honestly don't know and it doesn't matter now.  What matters now, more than ever, is that we come together as a nation.  We don't have to agree on every point.  I'm not saying you have to wear a "Trump" button or a "Make America Great Again" hat.  What I'm saying is that we need to stand with our fellow man (and woman) and remember that we live in the greatest country in the world.

Stop with the "Well if you voted for Hillary, then....." or "If you voted for Trump then...." or for that matter, "Well if you voted third party then...." No.  Just no.  Voting for Hillary didn't mean that you supported the negative things she did.  Voting for Trump didn't mean that you supported the negative things that he did.  Voting for third party was not throwing away a vote.  You voted with your heart.  You voted for them because you believed in their policies and in their promises.  You voted for them because you believed that they were the best person for the job.  You don't have to explain yourself to anyone and anyone that is judging you based on who you voted for is forgetting that they are undermining democracy at its finest.  In short, we can agree to disagree and still be friends because we live in a great nation where we all have a chance to have a voice.

Trump-voters, please stop jumping down Hillary voters throats and saying, "Get on board."  Stop shaming them.  Stop treating them as if they need to forget what happened less than twenty four hours ago.  They are processing what's going on.  Very few expected things to go this way and they're still trying to swallow the bitter candy that they didn't think they'd ever even taste.  Stop gloating and give them a minute to grieve.

Hillary voters, please stop shaming Trump voters and saying they don't care.  Stop name-calling because voting for Trump doesn't make you a bigot.  Remember that the President doesn't call all of the shots, okay? Congress is there for a reason.  We are a nation of checks and balances and we have  executive, judicial and legislative branches for a reason.

The President, Hillary herself and many others (as well as President Elect Trump) are calling for our unity and I couldn't agree more.  Let's come together and bring jobs back to our nation.  Let's come together and unite as one people and show the world that we are America.  We are the greatest nation in the world.  We are a republic built on liberty and freedom.  You are going to be okay.  We're all going to be okay.  Let's all stop jumping down each other's throats and just love one another through this.

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