Monday, November 28, 2016

A moment

When you feel like your life is spinning out of control, take a moment.  Take a breath. Everyone feels this way sometimes.  Everyone.  You are not alone.  In fact, you are in the company of the greatest minds on the planet.  It's okay.

Take a moment.


Clear your mind.

Think of 3 things that you are blessed with.

Think of 3 people that you can talk to.


Think of you to resolve your problem.


It's easy to be angry. In fact,it's too easy to be angry for some people. What they don't focus on, though, is that anger usually stems from some other emotion.  Often, people are angry because they are hurt.  They might also be afraid.    That's not what this post is about though....

This post is about those that get angry over everything.  In fact, you're probably angry that I'm bringing it up....and that's okay.  Anger can be a healthy thing, when it's only held on to for a short period of time. It's when you hold on to it for days, weeks, months and years that it starts to poison your body and mind.  Your body actually physically reacts to those feelings.  Your mind becomes a trap and everything that comes in, good or bad, comes through that anger filter.

But you can't help being angry, right?

Well, in theory, you can't change who you are but you can change your reaction.  You can choose forgiveness.  It doesn't mean that you've forgotten what happened. It doesn't mean that you are okay with it or that you're admitting fault.  It just means that you're making a choice to not make it your burden anymore.

Today, try forgiveness.  It may change your life.

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Saturday Inspiration Nugget

Sometimes, the best thing you can do is just be there for someone. You don't have to do anything huge; just be there.  Be there to listen.  Be there to hold their hand.  Be there to hug them. Just be there.

Friday, November 25, 2016

Spread Some Kindness

With Thanksgiving over and the official start of the Christmas/Hanukkah/Kwanzaa/Solstice (or any other holiday you celebrate) season beginning, I'd like to challenge you today.... spread a little kindness.  I don't care if it's something as small as complimenting someone you don't know.  It might be as big as donating Christmas presents to a family that can't afford them.  Whatever it is, spread some kindness.

The world is such an angry place sometimes.  Our country is at odds with each other over everything from the results of the Presidential elections to the way we phrase our sentences.  Instead of focusing on how much anger you can have, spread a little kindness.  Take a moment to make someone else's day better...and the worse your day is, the more you should try.


Because kindness begets kindness.  Because you are better than the day you're having.  Because you are blessed, even if it's hard to see sometimes.

I challenge you every day for the next thirty days to spread some kindness and see how your world changes.

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Suicide Prevention

This Thanksgiving, I want to take time to remember that there are those that are thankful in worse situations than anyone reading this.  Always remember that there is always someone that has it worse than you.  Find the blessings in the small things.  Take that moment and breathe.  Remember that you are loved by someone; in fact you are loved by many someones, even if you don't know it.

If you are feeling hopeless today, know that you are loved.  Talk to someone and if you can't find a way to talk to someone around you, talk to someone you don't know.  Make that connection; feel that love within this beautiful world.  If you are feeling suicidal, please seek help.  Here is the information:


Know that you are loved.  Know that there IS someone to talk to.  You are on this earth for a reason

Melting Pot

In this time of great separation in our country, I'd like to say the following:

Our country was founded on the concept of it being a melting pot.  As everything does, this has evolved over time to mean something so much more.  It doesn't just mean immigrants now; it means different religions, different cultures, different sexual preferences, different appearances, disabilities and so much more.  It means that our country should feel safe to all of its citizens.  You don't have to agree with everyone and I wouldn't want to.  The world is so much more of an interesting place when we can all have beautiful, separate minds to process things different ways, think of new ideas and so on.  Please stop judging those around you.  Love them.  Make this nation a safe place where people feel accepted and loved.  Be the change you want to see.

LGBT Curriculum in California Schools

There is quite an uproar over California adding LGBT curriculum into their school system.  One far side of this declares that it "has no place within the schools."  The other says "it's the only way to teach tolerance."  Here are my thoughts on the topic.  Brace yourself because you may not like them.

1.  Sex ed, in general, needs to be taught age-appropriately.  Second graders, in general, do not have a concept of what sex is and cannot understand it in its full capacity (the emotional ties that come with it, etc).  Is it okay for them to be taught general anatomy, etc at that age? Absolutely.  

2.  I see no problem with teaching little Susie that child 1 may have a mom and a dad while while child 2 has stepparents, child 3 has foster parents, child 4 is from a single parent household, child 5 has grandparents raising him, and child 6 has two moms.  I see no issue with educating kids of any age that every household is different and that who raises a child (whether it's any of these situations or another) doesn't matter as much as how much the child is loved and cared for.

3.  I see no problem with including education on different sexual preferences in sexual education at an age-appropriate level.  In fact, I think it's appropriate to discuss the fact that different people have different preferences.  I absolutely agree that it teaches tolerance and an understanding that different people think differently.

4.  While I can see the point of those that say "sex education should be taught at home," I am also concerned about the kids that wouldn't get that education.  Statistically speaking, sex ed being taught in schools has helped kids be more educated on the topics that their parents might feel uncomfortable discussing.  What I can hope is that the teachers discuss it and then the kids go home and discuss it with their parents and get a balanced view of the educational portion vs the personal views portion.  Most of my reason for hoping this, though, is that the children are developing an open atmosphere with their parents to discuss freely what they're thinking about.

5.  I think the side of the argument that is so concerned, on the whole, is fearful of what they don't understand.  Here's the thing: they're not going to be showing lesbian porn to teach the kids anything any more than they use straight couple porn to teach kids (just to be clear, they don't use any porn...that's my point).  This isn't an issue of purity in our kids.  This is an issue of people that aren't fully educated on the topics and haven't fully sat down with members of the LGBT community to hear their stories.  This is an issue of fear of the unknown.

6.  Finally, let's be frank.  If this is an issue of "purity" or "religious preference" (i.e. I don't want my kids hearing about homosexuality because the Bible forbids it) than you are the worst kind of hypocrite.  Open your eyes to the world.  No matter what your religious preference, homosexuality and transgenderism exist and they are going nowhere.  People that have hidden in the shadows for years out of fear are finally finding their voices and they deserve to be heard because they are beautiful souls.  Choosing not to educate kids on topics that you "don't like" or "don't believe in" is ridiculous.  How will your child feel, then, if they want to tell you that they're gay?  Condemned? Ashamed?  Is that more healthy than what you're against?

I think that people need to stop assuming that education is a bad thing.  Education is education and you can absolutely add to it at home, and should.  If you choose to home school over issues like this, fine.  I hope you still teach your kids that the world is so much bigger than the 1950s perspective of what a family looks like or what courtship looks like. The world has all kinds of people with all kinds of preferences and that's what makes it such a beautiful place.  You don't to agree to love.

Monday, November 21, 2016


"We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them."
-Albert Einstein-

I'm posting this today because there is someone, in fact more than one someone, that needs to see this.  Our problems can seem overwhelming, at times.  We can feel as if it is too much to bear.  It's not. We just need to adjust our thinking.

Take a minute to look from a different view, no matter how difficult it seems.  Take a moment to take a deep breath and look around.  How could you view this in a different light?  What would make this more bearable?

Every tiny step you take away from a problem is a step toward a solution. It may seem that you're not moving a bit some days and other days you will move leaps and bounds.  Do the best you can.  Be strong.  When you can't be strong, find someone who can be strong with you or for you.  It will all be okay.

Curiosity tidbit

For my Sunday tidbit, I just want to share a special quote:

"The important thing is to not stop questioning.  Curiosity has its own reason for existing." 
- Albert Einstein

Always, always, keep learning.  The moment you stop is the moment you lose hope.

Peppermint Mocha

Keeping my Saturday post light, I'd like to give you a little tip.  Starbucks has released peppermint mocha's that you can make in your Keurig (or other such device).  I sampled one last night and I will say the following:

1.  It's a bit more work but very worth it. Instead of just putting in the K cup, you add a packet into the cup ahead of time.

2.  Stir WELL.  Don't skimp on the stirring.

3.  If you REALLY want it to taste like the real thing, spray some whipped cream on top.  

All things said, it's virtually the same thing with only a slight flavor variation and ranks higher on my list than McDonald's peppermint mocha's (blech).   I got my box of 6 peppermint mocha K cup kits for just under $6 which is less than the cost of most Starbucks drinks.

**Side note:  If you ARE set on going to a real Starbucks and getting the real thing, get it turned into a frappuccino.  Seriously, game changer.

Friday, November 18, 2016


As you walk your journey in life, people are not always going to be on your side.  There will be naysayers who tell you that you can't do what you are striving for.  There will be critics that will find a way to crap on your dream no matter how great it is.  There will be negative nellies that tell you that you can't do it.  There will be doubters to tell you that you aren't capable.

Don't let their rancid attitudes steal your dream.

Their attitudes say more about THEM than YOU.  They are so unhappy with their lives that they want to make everyone else miserable.  They want to push you off your mountain that you've worked so hard to climb because if you are truly as successful as you know that you'll be, it will make them feel like a failure.  They don't understand anything about your journey and they don't want to.

They are not your ruler by which to measure success.

You are worth so much more.  You are capable of so much more.  You are unique and wonderful in more ways than these boo-ers will ever understand.  Ignore them.  Smile and nod and let them feel like they're saying something and then move on.  You are remarkable and you don't need the validation of anyone else to let you know that.

Keep being you.  You're doing great!

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Focusing on Blessings

How much better or easier would your life be if you focused your attention on how blessed you are?  Instead of "I wish I had" or "fuck my life," what if you spent your time just focusing on the things in your life that are going right?  It sounds simple enough but it's harder, for some, than you may think.

In this season of giving, let's take a moment to focus.  No matter how small the blessings are, you woke up today.  You have air to breathe, a sun in the sky (even if it's cloudy) and clothes on your back.  You may not be as blessed as what you perceive someone else to be and that's okay.  You don't have to gauge your blessings by someone else's life.  You gauge it by your own.

Every day, make it a point to think about what you love about your life.  Own those blessings and find a way to spread blessings to others.....and then keep doing it.  Eventually, you will find yourself changing and evolving toward a new habit.  You're doing great! Think about your accomplishments and gifts.

Side note:  Tis the season where depression runs rampant.  If you are feeling lost or depressed, please please please know that there is a purpose for you.  Someone needs you right now and you are wanted.  If you have any doubt of that, you let me know. Even if I don't personally know you, I'll listen.  I'll do my best to remind you of how wonderful you are.  Don't lose hope.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

KBPI Denver

I'm taking a moment to brag on one more "business"....KBPI (a radio station).

I am an avid listener for many reasons.  Of course, I love the music.  They play songs that I like and the commercials aren't aggravatingly often.  That said, there are more reasons and they stem from the great DJs.

I'm a particular fan of the morning show and Beardo in the afternoons.  The Morning Show with Willie B, Sweet Cheeks and Scoop is a must-listen for me.  Willie is one of the most giving and generous "celebrity" I've seen.  He is always looking for ways to help the community, veterans and anyone else that he can.  Beardo is one of the most humble, nice guys you'll ever listen to.  Just a great array of DJs to share music and personalities.

There are a few more hours left to donate to "The Hand That Feeds" which is a KBPI event with Christopher Dodge World in Golden, CO.  They are accepting non perishable goods to feed families in need this holiday season.  Be there and do what you can!

Amazing Dance Studio

I'm not so big on the name drops but the next couple posts are gonna highlight a couple of amazing "businesses" in the Denver area.....

Destination Dance LLC is an amazing little dance studio nestled into a great location in Wheat Ridge, Colorado.  The teachers are all friendly and just as concerned with making class enjoyable as they are with teaching technique.  The small class size allows great one-on-one interaction and makes for a fun learning experience.  The classes are affordable, especially compared to other studios in the area.  There are great opportunities to perform as well as compete in National competitions.

Currently the classes range from ballet and lyrical to jazz, hip hop, cheer/pom, musical theater and everything in between.  There are individual lessons available at a reasonable rate.  There are also family discounts for those with more than one child involved.  A trial class is offered to any and all perspective students and they love seeing new faces!

Here is the information....

Destination Dance LLC
4550 Wadsworth Blvd Unit H
Wheat Ridge, CO

Monday, November 14, 2016

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

I recently did the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator and it blew my mind how accurate it was. It nailed my personality to a tee and my habits more effectively than I could have ever thought possible.  It was uncanny.

I wonder how much more effectively our world would work if we all took a little bit of time to try to really look at who our friends and family are and how they function.  Look at their personality, their habits, how they feel love and express it.  I wonder how much of a difference we could make if we embraced other's differences.

I challenge you, this week, to do the Myers-Briggs test, if possible, and to spend the time to truly look at those around you.  Look within and know that they have unique qualities that make their habits natural to them.  Try to see how you can accommodate their needs. Show compassion and see how your world changes.

Just a Quote

"No problem can ever be solved with the consciousness that created it.  We must learn to see the world anew."  - Albert Einstein-

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Respect, Dignity, and True Listening

This election cycle (and not just one side) seems to have brought out the worst in so many.  We went from a group of adults that were mostly able to discuss things freely and to a group of small children.  "Well I like red best." - "No red is stupid.  Blue is better."  - "Doo doo head." - " Meanie face."  I mean THIS was pretty much what so many people have boiled down to.  The conservatives that fed into this called all democrats "Libtards", referred to the President as "Obummer", and treated others as if they were dumb.  The liberals that fed into it called conservatives "racists," "bigots," and everything in between.  And between....were those of us that didn't want to name call.  We just wanted what's best for our country.

I'm here to ask something that I consider to be simple.  STOP.

Stop with the hate speech on both sides of the aisle.  Not all conservatives are racists.  Not all liberals are cry babies.  Not all Christians are hate-mongers.  Not all Muslims are terrorists.  In fact, the vast majority of all of these "labels" are just people who love this country and want amazing things for it.  The vast majority of these "labels" are the exact opposite of what the accusations say.  Yet, still, we look at the one bad strawberry in the patch and say, "Well the whole patch is rotten."

I don't pretend to understand everyone's viewpoints.  In fact, part of the reason why I enjoy having such a diverse group of friends is that I love hearing all different perspectives.  Sometimes it changes my mind on things but sometimes we just agree to disagree.  It doesn't make them better or worse than me; it just makes us accepting of other's differences.

So,please....STOP.  Stop the hate speech.  Stop the name-calling.  I challenge you to truly LISTEN to someone on the other side of the argument.  Don't listen to respond but listen to hear.  Let them tell you why they believe the way they do.  Maybe it will change your mind and maybe it won't but I can assure you that we will achieve much more as a country and as a republic if we remember the melting pot we were designed to be and treat each other with the dignity and respect that we, ourselves, expect.

Friday, November 11, 2016

Veterans Day Plea

Today, we honor our Veterans.  We honor those that fought for our nation in whatever capacity that was.  Every job of every branch is important and deserving of great honor for their service.  In saying this, I beseech everyone to please avoid the negativity associated with the post-election craziness.  Please just put it aside for one day.  Protest if you must but please, for the love of God, don't stomp on the flag because it absolutely (even if it's unintentional on your part) shows disdain for all of those that have fought before you.  Please refrain from stomping on or setting an American flag on fire.  Please.  I'm asking you as a personal favor.

I will support the right to peacefully protest for the rest of my  life.  I will defend those of any race, religion, cultural background, sexual preference, gender or any other "difference".  I will defend those with disabilities, challenges, those that aren't able to fight for themselves.  I will defend those that can't get enough food or clean water or anything else.  I will fight for you and I will defend your right to peacefully protest, even if I don't agree with your perspective but please don't disrespect our nation's flag.  It doesn't prove your point any more clearly.  Please.

We are all in this together, America.  Let's reboot our collective minds here and focus it, today on honoring the amazing men and women that have fought for our country and the freedoms we exercise every day.

Thank you to each and every member of each and every branch of the military.  You are incredible.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Let Them Peacefully Protest

To almost every supporter of President-Elect Trump before the election,

Please, please, please stop being judgmental jerks over the protests going on outside Trump Tower (and elsewhere).  You can roll your eyes.  That is your right.  You can disagree.  That is your right.  You can bring up that there weren't massive protests when President Obama was elected.  That is your right.

THEY CAN PEACEFULLY PROTEST.  That is their right.

It is NOT their right to loot.  That is illegal.  It is NOT their right to be violent.  That is illegal.  It is NOT their right to bully or threaten others.  That is illegal.  However, don't assume that every single protester is doing these things.  They're not.  Many just want their voice heard.  It is their right, in our great country, to peacefully protest.

Chances are that, soon, everything will go back to normal life.  Everyone will go back to work.  Everyone will go back to their daily lives.  People won't forget anything but they will certainly go back to life.  Chances are that everything will calm down sooner than you might think.

If you think for a heartbeat of a second that supporters of our President-Elect wouldn't have done the same if he had not won, you are delusional.  Calm down, let them peacefully protest and know that things will be calmer soon.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

United We Stand

After what can only be described as an insane election season and a very unexpected outcome, can we please just all take a moment.  Take a deep breath.  Close your eyes and realize that the world has not ended.  Realize that it's going to be okay.

I don't know if you voted for Hillary, Trump or a third party.  I don't know if you wrote in a candidate of your own.  I honestly don't know and it doesn't matter now.  What matters now, more than ever, is that we come together as a nation.  We don't have to agree on every point.  I'm not saying you have to wear a "Trump" button or a "Make America Great Again" hat.  What I'm saying is that we need to stand with our fellow man (and woman) and remember that we live in the greatest country in the world.

Stop with the "Well if you voted for Hillary, then....." or "If you voted for Trump then...." or for that matter, "Well if you voted third party then...." No.  Just no.  Voting for Hillary didn't mean that you supported the negative things she did.  Voting for Trump didn't mean that you supported the negative things that he did.  Voting for third party was not throwing away a vote.  You voted with your heart.  You voted for them because you believed in their policies and in their promises.  You voted for them because you believed that they were the best person for the job.  You don't have to explain yourself to anyone and anyone that is judging you based on who you voted for is forgetting that they are undermining democracy at its finest.  In short, we can agree to disagree and still be friends because we live in a great nation where we all have a chance to have a voice.

Trump-voters, please stop jumping down Hillary voters throats and saying, "Get on board."  Stop shaming them.  Stop treating them as if they need to forget what happened less than twenty four hours ago.  They are processing what's going on.  Very few expected things to go this way and they're still trying to swallow the bitter candy that they didn't think they'd ever even taste.  Stop gloating and give them a minute to grieve.

Hillary voters, please stop shaming Trump voters and saying they don't care.  Stop name-calling because voting for Trump doesn't make you a bigot.  Remember that the President doesn't call all of the shots, okay? Congress is there for a reason.  We are a nation of checks and balances and we have  executive, judicial and legislative branches for a reason.

The President, Hillary herself and many others (as well as President Elect Trump) are calling for our unity and I couldn't agree more.  Let's come together and bring jobs back to our nation.  Let's come together and unite as one people and show the world that we are America.  We are the greatest nation in the world.  We are a republic built on liberty and freedom.  You are going to be okay.  We're all going to be okay.  Let's all stop jumping down each other's throats and just love one another through this.

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Why Are They So Respectful

I get asked, frequently, what I do with my kids that makes them so respectful.  My answer seems to confused people: half of it is dumb luck and the other half is teaching them to learn to respectfully think and do for themselves.  Luck?  Really?  Yes.....yes, really.  Some of parenting is just dumb luck.  There are plenty of parents that do an incredible job and their children still rebel or end up making really poor decisions that affect the rest of their lives negatively. (Note that I did not say that they end up with bad kids.... I have a very strong opinion of people using that term).  There are some parents that are completely uninvolved and still turn out with incredible kids.  SOME of it is dumb luck.

The other part, I believe, is in the other half of that sentence.  There are three portions of it.
        1.  Respect
        2.  Think for themselves
        3.  Do for themselves

I believe that respect is of the utmost important in the parenting process.  I respect my children enough to allow them privacy but they also know that I am still their parent.  If I need to, I will invade that privacy to make sure they stay safe.  I won't feel bad about it.  The other half of this pendulum is teaching THEM to respect.  I am a bit old school and I believe that children need to learn to respect adults but they also need to learn to respect each other.  They need to learn to accept the differences of others as a positive.

They need to learn to think for themselves.  Does it get irritating at times?  Of course.  It would be easier some days if they would just fall into step.  The problem is that they need to be thinking, learning people in their adult lives.  Teaching them to blindly believe what I believe will only cripple them as adults.

They need to learn to do things themselves.  I'll repeat that:  they need to learn to do things themselves.  I don't baby them.  I teach them to thrive in the real world.  They can independently do many of the things that actual adults in the world today cannot do.  They are able to cook, clean, do laundry, ride the bus, make a budget and do many of the other things they will need to do in their grown life.

I'm not concluding that this is the recipe for success for every person but it works for me.  Food for thought.

Keeping a Positive Attitude

Keeping a positive attitude is half the battle.  It may seem hard to do, if you're facing hardships.  In fact, it may seem impossible.  Trust me, it's not.  Take that small step to think of one way you're blessed.  Then think of another blessing...and another....and another.  That's how you start! One teeny tiny step at a time!

Now do that every single morning.  Spend just a couple of minutes every morning thinking of how positive you want your day to be! It truly will change the course of your day, week and month.  Try it for thirty days, then sixty days, then ninety days.  Slowly, but surely, you will forget how to think negatively.  Your thinking will evolve.

Now watch how it affects your life.....

That positive thinking will help you to be more motivated.

That positive thinking will be contagious to many around you.

That positive thinking will inspire others.

That positive thinking will have you feeling more energetic.  

You can achieve great things!  Today's the day to get started!

Sunday, November 6, 2016

To Every Dancer

To Every Dancer in Every Dance Studio in the world,

You are amazing.  
You are beautiful.
You are a force to be reckoned with.
You are strong.
You have everything you need inside of you to be the dancer that you want to be.

It doesn't matter what's going on at school....
It doesn't matter what's going on at home......
It doesn't matter what's going on with your friends.....
It doesn't matter what's going on with your with your family.
          Dance it off.

Dance like no one is looking.
Dance like there is nothing else in the world that can affect you.
Dance what's in your heart.  Show the world what you can do.

Maybe you take dance for one hour a week, maybe it's every day of the week.
Maybe you love ballet, maybe it's hip hop or tap.
Maybe you strive to be part of a company one day or dance professionally, maybe not.
Maybe you have beautiful turnout or naturally graceful form and maybe you have to work harder
Maybe your kicks are to your nose and maybe they're not even waist high. 
         It doesn't matter.  Dance anyway.  You don't have to be perfect; you just have to be you.

You see, dance is not JUST about form and technique.  Those are the foundation.
On top of that foundation are the bricks of emotion.  Pour yourself into it.
Pour that love you have into it.

You are incredible and the world is proud of you.

A Dance Teacher that wishes every dancer heard this more often

Do Your Best

Big changes are always hard..... always.  Even when you get excited about them.  Even when you think you are really prepared, they always present a challenge.  Here's my biggest piece of advice that I can give..... Do your best to accept the LITTLE changes that come with the big changes.  Do your very best to accept the little changes because they're abundance.  The reality is that it takes a bunch of teeny tiny changes to make a big one.  Sometimes it's changes in your lifestyle or habits.  Sometimes it's changes in your environment.  Sometimes it's changes in who your surround yourself with.  It can be anything but try to be ready to go with the flow as much as possible.

Friday, November 4, 2016

How much Greater

Today, I'll just leave you with a thought....

How much more wonderful would our world be if we accepted other's differences and embraced them as our own?  How much more wonderful would it be if we looked at how others thought different than we did and applauded them for simply making a choice on what they decided?

Give Our Children a Voice

We need to stop trying to silence our children.  We need to look deeper at what they're trying to say.  It's as simple as that.  Allow me to explain....

I am a firm believer in children learning boundaries.  I believe that children need to learn that there is a time and a place to exercise your opinion.  Our job, as parents and caregivers, is to teach them to function in the adult world and creative productive adults.  We definitely need to teach them to respect adults, pay attention in class (or jobs), do their best and all of the other important lessons that encourage kids to productive adulthood.

Here's the thing.....

We need to give them a voice too.  I'm not talking about encouraging them to complain about every little thing and try to be the boss of their house.  What I'm talking about is encouraging them to explain themselves.  I'm talking about encouraging them to be involved and to shape their future through using their voices.  I'm talking about teaching them to speak up when they need to...speak up for themselves, speak up for their friends, speak up for their community.  I'm talking about empowering them and letting them have  a say in their lives and how they spend their days.  (No that does not mean allowing them to participate in harmful activities just because they want to).

Give them a voice and teach them to use it.

Unique Qualities

Every child on this planet (and every adult, for that matter) has the potential for greatness.  Let me repeat that....every single child on this planet has the potential for greatness.  EVERY child has incredible gifts that were put inside them.  EVERY child has strengths and unique qualities that no one else has.  Some of them require words and some are completely non-verbal.  Some require grand gestures of grandeur and some are just gifted with giving people a warm feeling simply by being there.  Some are great dancers with amazing technique and others are great dancers simply because they love it so much and convey it in their movements.  Some are beautiful singers and some are great mathematicians.  The point is that every child has something unique inside of them when you allow them to do what they love.  While it's a great idea to expose them to many different things, it is not a good idea to force them into things (especially at a young age). Let them figure out what they love and what they are great at and then find a way to encourage it!

Tuesday, November 1, 2016


We are just a week away from election day and I couldn't be happier.  No seriously, I couldn't be happier.  I'm incredibly sick of seeing the political ads stabbing at each other but no one saying what they'll ACTUALLY do to help the state of our state/nation.  I'm sick to death of hearing the touching music played as they show negative quotes that make it sound like whichever candidate intentionally wants to hurt children or women or the constituents of the state/country.  I have never been a voter in an election that has caused me to spend so much time saying, "Can't we all just get along?"

Look, I will not ever tell you who you should vote for.  I won't even hint at it.  Part of the beauty of living in our beautiful nation is that you don't have to discuss it with anyone.  More importantly, I don't have a single desire to want to tell anyone what to do with their life or their vote.  What I do ask you to do is use your voice.  Use your vote to make that voice heard.  Educate yourself and then cast your ballot for whatever candidates you think are best.

Celebrate your freedom.