Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Social Media Drama

Social media has its time and place but sometimes people take liberties with it that they wouldn't do in their actual life.  One of those liberties seems to be certain people's ability to be judgmental on a friend's Facebook or Twitter page.  It usually goes something like this:
Friend A posts about something specific: politics, religion, marriage/divorce, parenting styles, etc .  You respond back with an opinion on the topic, stating that it's your opinion only.  Person B (not YOUR friend but a friend of Friend A) posts back their opinion AND a stab at you for your opinion.  You, then, respond back and try to be a peacemaker while responding simply that the original post was your opinion.  Person B posts back and completely attacks you and every part of your opinion without even trying to be nice.  You, then, respond with a nice "let's agree to disagree" post which gets an even bigger gripe post from Person B saying that you're just trying to do that because "you know you're wrong."  Would Person B take this liberty if you were standing there in person?  Clearly most of them wouldn't.  They wouldn't want to show themselves to be the grouchy, mean person they're being on a social media site.  However, they're doing it because they're avoiding a face to face debate.  It borders on ridiculous the amount of drama people are willing to bring to the internet that they would never say in person.
My point is simply this: remember who you are when posting to a social media site.  You aren't being real if you wouldn't say those things in person.  In addition, there's no reason to judge someone else's life in any way.  It may not be YOUR way of living life, but it is theirs and it's not yours to judge.  Karma comes back to bite people who judge and puts them into situations that they've judged others on in the past.

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