Tuesday, September 29, 2015

The Power of Review and Surveys

Have you ever paid attention to the bottom of your receipts?  See those little surveys?  They seem to pop up everywhere, don't they?  You're asked to take surveys on the phone, online, and everywhere in between. If you're like the majority of the general public, you don't even bother with the incessant questioning.  You don't want to give out personal information or you don't want to take the time.  You don't want to deal with anything or anyone after you buy the product or use the service...you just want it to work.  Believe me, this makes sense.

But let's take a moment to look at it in a new light.....

In a world of constant criticism, have you ever thought, "Ugh, I wish the manager would just...." or "Remember when they used to....."?   Maybe it's the opposite and you've thought about how great a business is after its changed hands or how much they please you every time that you go in there.  Have you ever taken the time to let someone in charge know these complaints?  Do you limit them to just harping to your friends?  Have you let someone know how great they're doing? 

There are a multitude of reasons why it's important to attempt to review and do surveys....

It lets the corporate offices know what's going on.  Especially in large chains, things have a way of slipping through the cracks.  Corporate doesn't always know what's going on in its individual franchises and, unless you let them know whether they're doing a good job or not, they can't change things.  Believe me, those little surveys let the main offices know what's going on and they do change things accordingly.

If you don't use your voice to give feedback, you shouldn't use it to complain when things don't change.  Yeah you...the person who complains about every detail.... have you ever taken the time to let someone know what's going on?  If you don't use your voice to give feedback on how things, the company doesn't know what's going on and can't change it.

Great service deserves to be recognized.  One of my pet peeves is hearing people say that they shouldn't praise a waiter/waitress because "it's their job."  Of course it's their job to give great service but that doesn't mean that they don't deserve praise.  Honestly, I believe that encouragement is important to everyone.  Jobs in the customer service industry, of any kind, can be a very thankless job.  Any review that might give someone a pat on the back for doing a great job is well worth my time.

You can change things.  I know it doesn't seem that way.  I know it seems like one person, one voice makes no difference.  The truth is that you might be the voice that changes the mind of the top guys. You might be the voice that brings new services to a venue.  You might be the person who makes them look at things differently.

I literally review EVERYTHING I have a chance to review.  I make sure that great service gets some sort of recognition where possible.  I make certain that I note names where I can and I give very clear reviews of how things were handled.  I believe in the power of surveys and reviewing the services you receive.  That pat on the back might mean a bigger bonus for an employee for five minutes of your time.

Friday, September 25, 2015

A Round of Applause for Step parents

Step parents can be an amazing blessing in a child's life.  I am very fortunate to have an amazing stepmother that I got as an adult.  She is supportive and loving.  She minds her own business but is also there when I need her. She's got a big heart. I'm very blessed.  Recently, have seen some very unhealthy posts made by bitter step parents that want to complain about the biological parent.  Here are some of the rules that I think step parents need to abide by (**based on the assumption that the biological parent of the same gender is still involved in the child(ren)'s life.)

Don't force your way in.  You can't force a child to accept you and trying to only makes the situation worse.  Don't over do it.  Ease your way in and let them move at their own pace.  Different children (even from the same family) will work at different paces. They have already experienced a lack of control in their lives through divorce and forcing them to have even less control will backfire ultimately.

Don't try to make the rules.  It is one thing to sit down as a blended family a couple of years in but understand that you are not going to step into a role immediately to start laying down laws.  In my opinion, it is better, as often as possible, to let the child's parent stand up and make rules and/or enforce them at first.  The child needs to know that you are not the cause of their woes with having to follow rules.

...but understand that they will blame you anyway.  Depending on their age, it is often a likely situation that the kids will blame you for the rules.  It doesn't matter what the situation is.  Understand that they're going to act out and learn to have tough skin.  Accept their feelings and it will make it run more smoothly.  Note that I said accept their FEELINGS and not their actions.  The parent should be keeping boundaries there to make sure that the rules are still enforced in the house and you're not being completely trampled but the more that kids are allowed to express themselves and know that they're in a safe environment, the better off you'll be.

Get to know them and love them as individuals.  This means accept the good with the bad.  Maybe that means that you  accept a bad temper or a sports nut when you're not into sports.  Get to know their interests and get educated on them as much as you can.  Encourage them and try to be understanding and patient, as much as possible.  Every child is different.

and finally....

If you have kids of your own, DON'T try to draw a divide.  Being married to someone means loving all of them INCLUDING their children.  There should be no divide between your children and theirs in terms of love.  When you choose to love someone unconditionally, you choose to love their children too.  It doesn't mean you take over a role; it means you add on another person in their life who loves and accepts them just as they are.  You are not rivals on different teams but merging into a new, stronger, better team.

Step parents can be a great addition to families and a great source of trusted people to talk to in a child's life.  They don't take over a role, but instead create a new addition to a family that can bless you beyond understanding.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Discipline Stinks Sometimes.

I can remember, as a child, having my parents tell me that it hurt them way more than it hurt me.  The statement sounded ridiculous at the time but it is absolutely true.  As a parent, we often have to make decisions that aren't fun and hurt our hearts because we know our children's hearts hurt. We have to discipline them when they've done something wrong and there are time that our children, especially our teenagers, are just straight-up angry about it.  I don't know that anyone really ever outgrows the desire to be liked and when our children are angry or sad about something we did to them, it can cut like a knife.  Honestly, it stinks...there is no other word.

Here's the good news.....

By making the hard decision and disciplining them for their actions, you are teaching your child a lesson.  Not only are you preparing them for life in the real world but you are also teaching them that there are consequences for their actions.  They may dislike you but they don't hate you (regardless of what some children say).  They may be angry with you but they will respect you for stepping up.  They may be sad about their punishment but they'll understand that they shouldn't repeat it (though it sometimes takes multiple offenses to get it through their heads).  Trust that making the hard decision now will pay off in the end and know that you're doing what's best for your child.  What they hate you for today, they'll thank you for in about ten or twenty years.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Open Letter to Working Moms / Open Letter to Stay at Home Moms

Dear Working Mom,

You're doing great! You probably wish you didn't have to work or, at least, not so much.  You probably wish that you could be at all of those functions at your kids' school or that you didn't miss a first word or step.  In this, I mourn with you.  I mourn the times that I miss with my kids just as much as you mourn your time lost.  Every time you start to feel overwhelmed with sadness over not being there, remember that you're doing this for a cause; you're doing this to give your kids a real life. You're fighting a great battle, Mama!

Cherish every single moment you have with them.  Even if you're tired, you're still fighting a great battle.  You may not be able to provide quantity, but you're providing them quality time.  You may never have time for yourself but you make time for them. You may feel like you're not doing enough but, Mama, you are MORE than enough.  Your presence with them is of unmatchable importance and you're making it count!  You're doing a great job!

Keep your chin up, Mama, because the days that you think you're only doing so-so, your kids think you're the greatest mom in the world.  On the days when you think you slacked because you bought cookies instead of making them, your kids are proud to bring in something to donate to their classroom party.  On the days when you're feeling defeated and you just throw a frozen pizza in the oven, your kids are excited that they get pizza for dinner.  You are stronger and smarter and more wonderful than you can imagine.  You are a great mom.  You're doing great things!



Dear Stay at Home Mom,

You're doing great!  You probably wish you could have a break...even if it's just for a couple of hours.  You're wishing that you could take a bath or go to the bathroom in peace just one time.  In this, I feel your pain.  I feel for you every single time that you have a moment of complete frazzled craziness and hit your breaking point.  Every time you start to feel overwhelmed with stress, remember that you're doing this for a cause; you're doing this to give your kids a real life.  You're fighting a great battle, Mama!

Cherish every moment you have with them.  I know you're tired, Mama.  I know you never get a break.  I know you're juggling a million jobs and you almost never get the recognition that you truly deserve.  I know that you're kicking butt and taking names and it feels like there's no reward for it besides the smiles of your kids....and more work.  You may feel like you're not doing enough but Mama, you are MORE than enough.  Your presence with them is of unmatchable importance and you're making it count!  You're doing a great job!

Keep your chin up Mama, because the days that you think you're only doing so-so, your kids think you're the greatest mom in the world.  On the days when you're sitting in a house full of unvacuumed carpet, dirty dishes, and piles of laundry and you feel like you've failed, you're looking at kids that have had true time filled with real life learning and bonding that they'd never get anywhere else.  On the days when you're feeling exhausted and guilty for putting them in front of a movie just to get something done, they're excited that they get to watch a movie for no reason at all.  You are stronger and smarter and more wonderful than you can imagine.  You are a great mom.  You're doing great things!


I think that both of these types of mamas need to hear this every now and then :)

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Sports Talk: NFL Week 2 and stuff

NFL Week 2:  Injuries, injuries, injuries.  My favorite game of the week (and NOT just because it was my team) was the Denver vs KC game.  It had me on the edge of my seat and, admittedly, again our defense won the game for us, for the most part.  Most of the games for me were not huge shockers.  I was torn on the GB vs SEA game because I was raised in Chicago to HATE the Packers but also loathe the Seahawks.  Ironically, more happy to see the Packers win that one anyway.  Jets over Colts blew my mind a little but the Colts just couldn't get it together to save their lives.  With Romo, Cutler and Brees all out for at least a couple of weeks, the injuries were definitely prominent.  Honestly, I wish they'd give someone else a chance in Chicago anyway.  My opinion of Jay Cutler is not very high...and that's a nice way of saying it.

Preseason hockey:  Preseason hockey is getting underway and it's a beautiful time of year in my house.  Seeing as my birthday present this year is a ticket to the Redwings vs Avs game here in Denver (in February), I'm more excited about this year than you can imagine.  I can't wait to get things going.

Baseball season is wrapping up:  With the two teams I root for (White Sox and Rockies) at the bottom of the barrel, I'm already out for the season but the race to the World Series is always interesting to watch.  Honestly, I don't have a favorite.

Monday, September 21, 2015

Worry about Yourself!

I can remember being told as a child to "worry about yourself."  I continue to use that phrase today with my own children.  Of course there are two sides to this coin: you don't want them to be nosy and compare themselves to others BUT you want them to have compassion and empathy.  I think that a whole lot of parents underestimate their children's ability to understand concepts so they refuse to use statements like this.  In fact, I think that parents underestimate their children's ability to comprehend a whole lot of things but I'll save that for a different post. 

This new touchy-feely parenting generation is so convinced that our parents and grandparents messed it up that they don't want to take on so many of the great things that generations before us set into place.  We're so convinced that if we hurt our kids feelings, they'll be marred for life.  We're convinced that if we correct them, they'll never recover.  We're not allowed to spank or swat.  We're not supposed to send them to their room and we're supposed to feed them only all-organic, no boxed food.  Our generation has got everyone's underwear in such a wad that we aren't really taking the time to really spread our wings as parents.

I've said it a million times before: there are a million ways to be a great parent.  All of these studies and doctors are making us think we're damaging them if they sleep a certain way or eat a certain food or don't go to preschool or homeschool or whether or not they drink breastmilk or formula. The list goes on and on.  Realistically, though, the "experts" change their minds and their stories every few decades and a whole new generation tells their parents they did it wrong.  But I digress...

It seems like everyone, now, is so concerned with making EVERYTHING into a cause.  We can't just like or dislike something.  We can't just agree or disagree with someone.  We HAVE to make it into a cause and preach it from the pulpits.  Of course there are certain things that are cause for such a big stir but there are also many that are being blown out of proportion.  So this is how I set the guidelines for the "worry about yourself" standard....

If you can turn your head and ignore what they're doing, worry about yourself.  Seriously, if it's a difference of opinion, you DON'T have to engage in a debate on everything all of the time. 

If you're not being hurt and it's not hurting anyone else, worry about yourself.  Not every single action requires you to intervene.  If someone does something differently than you, so be it.  If they're not hurting anyone or themselves, hush.

If you're just going to be spinning your wheels debating it with an argumentative oaf, worry about yourself.  Don't waste your time telling a bully not to bully.  Don't waste your time telling someone who hates something about why they should like it.


If you're just being nosy, worry about yourself.  If you're not asking questions about someone's situation in order to find a way to help them, worry about yourself.  Stop nosing into people's business just for the sake of gossip.

On the other hand, here's when to try to help....

When someone is being hurt or trying to hurt themselves

When someone is unable to help themselves (note that I said unable not unwilling)

When someone is in need of real help

We have a nation of nosy nellies that turn their heads when they see someone in true need but want to argue over everything else.  Maybe we need to spend a bit more time focusing on raising healthy independent kids than what method someone uses to wash their car or what lipstick they buy.

Monday, September 14, 2015

NFL Week 1

Opening weekend of the regular season is my favorite time of year.  Fall is (usually) in full swing....jerseys are everywhere....fantasy teams are drafted and the whistle sounds to let the trash talking commence.  So let's get into the nitty gritty of some of the games.....

Patriots vs Steelers  Thursday night openers are always great games, in my opinion.  The build up of fan-ergy is overwhelming and they seldom fail to impress me.  Honestly, for me, this was a neck and neck battle.  The Steelers looked pretty good overall and I honestly thought they had a chance.  Gronk, as always, was a beast and Brady didn't fail to perform (again, not a shock).  The biggest news seems to be the head sets malfunctioning.  Frankly, here's my take..... We never would have heard about the head sets if the Steelers had won.  I think that the Steelers wanted an excuse and wanted to play on the publicity of the Deflategate scandal.  Were the headphones malfunctioning?  I'm sure.  Was that the reason they lost?  No. 

Texans vs Chiefs  Watching this game was painful for the first half, in particular.  Texans offense was just not performing at its peak.  I'm a pretty huge JJ Watt fan but I didn't have to be a biased sports fan to see that he was a defensive beast!   I mean, he had his helmet ripped off essentially by Reid and STILL managed to sack Smith for the 9 yard loss. He achieved his 58th career sack and, frankly, held things together (along with the defense) for the first half (and then some) of the game.  I gotta give it to the Texans that they were definitely coming back by the end of the game and didn't get completely annihilated but they just didn't perform as well as the Chiefs did.

Broncos vs Ravens  Honestly, there is no other way to say this other than the defense won the game for the Broncos.  Was it Manning's best performance?  No.  Did our defense kick some ass?  Ummmm yes.  This game was a defensive war with no offensive touchdowns scored the entire game.  Everyone is going on and on about it being a sloppy win.  Yes, yes it was.  But I'll accept that sloppy win and know that our season is just starting and it's about to get awesome.

As for the other games, here are my comments on my favorites....

Rams vs Seahawks  Two words:  Go Rams! The Seahawks occasionally need to be knocked down a peg and get their egos in check.

Bills vs Colts Um, upset anyone?  This one was a shocker to me and a WHOLE lot of Fantasy fans.  I had to get a giggle from everyone boasting about Luck and how he was going to be a beast in this game and it was a sure thing.  Nothing is EVER a sure thing in the NFL....ever.

Packers vs Bears.  This one stung a little.  I was raised in Chicago so a Packers win always stings a little bit. With that being said, they definitely fought the battle hard and it was not a blowout as its been in the past.

Cowboys vs Giants  Take that haters! I'm not a Cowboys fan but they get ripped on pretty regularly by a select crowd and their comeback last night proved they can't be written off so easily. 

Friday, September 11, 2015

Swear Word Guidelines

I confess...I'm a mom, work with kids, and behave like a lady (as I was raised) but I have times when I have the mouth of a sailor.  I control it well around kids and in public.  I'm relentless in the effort to teach my kids (and any kids around me) that there are more educated ways to speak than throwing around GD and the F word like they're adjectives.  As I continue my committed journey to getting closer to curse-free, I bring up the following curse word guidelines in my life....

Sometimes "Oh cheese and crackers" just doesn't cut it.  Let's be realistic.  There are just some times in life when "da** it" or "oh for fu**'s sake" just fit into the scenario better.  Stubbing your toe for the 50th gosh darn time on the end of the bed is one of those times.  In fact, it is sometimes cause to create a whole new slew of curse words.

Know your audience.  Kids and curse words are not a good match.  They will repeat literally EVERYTHING they hear.  Just be aware of that.  What you think is cute to teach your friend's kids will come back to haunt you someday when you have your own.  If you never have kids, it will come back to haunt you when your drunk friend calls you while you're talking to your mother in law someday and loudly, through the phone, shares about that one time when you were so wasted.  You know who you are....  Oh and by the way, a good portion of grandparents don't want to hear it either. 

Be a lady/gentleman when you can  Honestly make an EFFORT to use your education and speak well when you can. 


Be forgiving and understand that not everyone agrees with your curse word theory.  Whether you like it or hate it, not everyone will agree. Respect their opinion and do you..whatever that is.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

My Opinions on Kim Davis


This is the story of Kim Davis.  She's the clerk in a Kentucky town that gives marriage licenses to the residents.  She's also a Christian.  Since the legalization of gay marriage, she is still refusing to hand out marriage licenses to gay couples.  However, she is not citing how state should have the right to decide this and protesting on these grounds.  Oh no, she's using her religion as a reason to not do her job. She went to jail for six days because she refused to obey a court order and is now being treated as a saint after she was released though she's still hinting that she will disobey the court order. As a Christian, I have a few opinions on this.....

First of all, I understand that she disagrees with gay marriage.  I, personally, am of the opinion that God doesn't call us to judge others just because they do things differently.  God can absolutely tell us that something is a sin and we don't have to do it ourselves but that doesn't mean that we have to beat people over the head with a Bible.  Ironically (and I only say that because it's not a widely accepted Christian view), I'm a gay marriage supporter.   I don't believe it's a decision that the Federal Government should have been able to make; I believe it should have been a state to state decision BUT I support gay marriage overall.  I do understand that she doesn't believe in it and I support her RIGHT to her opinion.

Secondly, I support a private business owner's right to refuse service to someone based on religious belief.  I definitely believe that they can refuse to bake a cake or anything else.  With that being said, I also believe that they will have to deal with the consequences of that decision including, but not limited to, protestors, awful reviews that lead people away from their business and other businesses outrightly using their limited views to boost businesses that will do those things.  What I do NOT support is a public official choosing to not do their job because of their religious views.

Third, building on the last one, IT'S HER JOB!  Job duties change regularly at many jobs.  If you can't do what's required of you, leave your job.  I'm very sorry that it's going to affect you negatively but if you feel that strongly about it, you shouldn't be doing it.  That would be like a teacher refusing to teach what the school board approved just because they don't like it.  Sorry, lady, it's your job.  Do it or quit!

Fourth, she was NOT jailed for her religion.  She was jailed because she expressly chose to go against a court order.  No one is immune from the law.  She CHOSE to go against what the judge ordered her to do and she was jailed for doing so.  Then, they actually offered her a solution by taking her name off of the documents for ALL marriage certificates and now she's trying to argue that those licenses will not be valid because they lack her name on them (which may TECHNICALLY be true if it wasn't for the fact that the court is going to validate every one of those anyway).

Finally, her reaction when she got out (and the reaction of her lawyer), to me, is appalling.  She looked like a kid that just got to keep the toy they just stole from the toy store.  She pretty much flat said she's not going to go along with the court again and is willing to go back to jail.  It's ridiculous to me that people are hailing her a hero.  She could very easily get a different position OR agree with the peace offering the court offered.  She's just being difficult and then smearing her religion all over it like a bear in a beehive.

Look, I understand there is a whole lot of Christian-shaming that seems to be going on.  People lump us in with extremists that use our faith as a shield all the time.  However, this case isn't about that.  This case isn't about the fact that she is against something.  She chose not to do her job and then she chose not to obey the court.  Kim Davis isn't a hero.  Period.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Broncos Health and Wellness Expo 2015

Saturday, September 5, we attended the inaugural Broncos (and 9 News) Health Expo and it didn't fail to impress.  Though the expo started at 9:00 AM, we arrived around 8:20 and there was already a line formed.  The line continued to grow and curve in front of the building with most of its occupants decked out in jerseys or orange and blue gear.  The team spirit in our city is incredible!  There were plenty of different people pepping up the line to get them excited about the expo.  We will definitely be arriving again early next year, as well, and recommend it for anyone who wants to fully enjoy the experience.

The expo had a great selection of booths with a wide variety of products to try out or information to hear about.  The businesses (etc) were incredibly friendly and very informative.  We tried out everything from different types of pears to mancakes.  We learned about the Dumb Friends League, the Alzheimer's Association, and essential oils. 

One of our favorite booths was this one.  The kids got to try out making smoothies by peddling a bike to power the blender.  I seriously need one of these bikes in my house!
In addition to the informative power of the booths, there were a lot of fun things just for the kids.  For smaller kids, there was a Jump Bunch booth with an obstacle course and many fun things to try out.  For older ones, there were several booths from Children's Hospital talking about everything from safety to fire prevention and beyond with great, extremely informative displays.
At this booth, the kids were allowed to select where they got their "fake injuries" and they were bandaged up, showing them how to apply pressure to a wound.
If all  of this wasn't fun enough, we got to do some great Broncos-themed activities from meeting players to hanging out with Miles.
Seriously, he is the most fun mascot in the NFL, I'm sure of it.
We even got to go on a locker room tour which got us not only on the field where we got to learn about Sports Authority field AND got to meet some of the cheerleaders.....
....but we also got to see the locker room.  The kids were seriously amazed!
My personal favorite, though, was meeting the crew of our 9 News team.  Everyone from Belen to Danielle to Gary and beyond.  They were so sweet and friendly, making time for everyone.  They made time to take pictures with everyone, though this one is my favorite....
Review of the Expo:  Incredible experience.  I will definitely be returning next year.  I will try to make more time to make sure we can meet more players (which, obviously, required lines to stand in) but I am extremely pleased with my experience.  Go Broncos!

Friday, September 4, 2015

Teacher Appreciation

I don't think, sometimes, that it's said often enough how great teachers really are.  I can honestly say that the staff at my kids' schools is fantastic.  I have yet to have a teacher I haven't liked and, quite frankly, everyone from the office staff to the cafeteria workers are so friendly and sweet.  It seems like there is a generation of kids coming up whose parents blame teachers for common core (which was NOT instituted by teachers, ironically).  They blame teachers for not having textbooks in their classrooms (which the teachers are not responsible for as this is a funding issue).  They blame teachers for their little angels getting into trouble.  It's always the teacher's fault in their eyes and most of the problems they're describing have absolutely NOTHING to do with anything the teachers can control.

My point is simply this: Take time to talk to the teachers in your school.  They are, often, just as frustrated with circumstances as you are.  They are doing their best to fight the injustice while still fighting hard to teach your child.  Most of them love their jobs and just want your child to love learning just as much as they do.  Take a little time to appreciate these individuals for the hard work they're doing and give them a little love for taking on a job that would make most of us crazy.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Wish List

As the school year starts to get into full swing for us, I find myself much more often wishing I had the flexibility to work from home.  I have a great job, a job that I love working for people that I love.  With that being said, the ability to be at home with my kids more is something that never really leaves my heart (though I'm sure this is the same for most parents).  I'd love to have the flexibility to be able to volunteer at my kids' schools more, be more involved with events and maybe, just maybe, help some other parents who worked long hours themselves.

What else would be on my wish list?

Owning a home.  I miss gardening like crazy.  I miss the time and energy spent in the garden babying my flowers and picking weeds in my vegetable garden.  I miss the smell of the fresh cut herbs.  I miss the excitement of seeing how they thrive and the feeling of sitting outside with a cup of coffee admiring all of my hard work.  I miss being crafty to create projects from furniture to wall art.  I miss using power tools and creating beautiful things to surround myself with.  I'd love to have a house big enough for my whole family and then some...5+ bedrooms and plenty of space to run.

Driving an SUV.  I love love love my van and the storage and room it provides but man, oh man, do I miss driving an SUV.  I hate the gas guzzling aspect but I'd love to be driving around a 4WD Tahoe or something of the like.

Road Trips.  Between schedules and everything else going on in my life (and, obviously, the life of my family in general), there's just never really time for a road trip and the money is rarely there, as well.  I miss stopping off at crazy roadside destinations.  I miss seeing my out of state family.  I'm dying to take my kids to Orlando and do Disney JUST once. 

Being the soccer mom.  This applies to any sport, really but I miss being the mom that coordinates things and drives the carpool.  They're only young once and I'd love to be the one ushering kids to and from activities.

Having a pet.  I miss having a dog more than I ever thought I would.  Was it a pain to pick up poo in the back yard?  Yes.  I miss the companionship, though.  I miss the feeling of having a pup curl up next to me on the sofa and I miss running with my dog. (Though I'd really love to have a slew of pets, not just a dog)

While most people have outrageous hopes and wishes on their list (winning a million dollars, etc), my list is simple but very real.  What is on your wish list?

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

The 5 Moms at the PTSA Meetings

In honor of the PTSA meetings starting up, I wanted to make a fun post.  Let me preface by saying this is strictly from my own experiences so please don't turn this into a fussy post where you take it all personally.  Without further ado.....


The Organizer:  You know this mom.  She may be the President or she may just be a super mom that has the ability to plan and execute every activity all year long (the person that SHOULD be the President of the PTSA).  She's going to be loud and proud and not let her opinion go unheard.  She's going to be on top of things all of the time.  Her kids are probably dressed to the nines every day at school and she never misses a meeting. She'll hear you out every time because she just wants the parents to get involved.  Generally these moms are friendly and light hearted but very strong willed (you have to be for some of these tasks) and a born leader.

The Bitter Wanna Be Organizer  This is the mom that is still ticked off that she didn't win the votes to be the President of the PTSA....or maybe she didn't put her hat in the running but is bitter AT the President of the PTSA because "she could do a better job."  Ironically this mom will only pick and choose her tasks but she will kick butt at every task she does, regardless of how exhausted she gets.  She can be found sitting at the back of the meeting mumbling to another bitter parent or her spouse about how she should be the one leading the meetings. (Side note:  If this mom DOES get to be President and sees how hard it is, it's humbling for her and her attitude can sometimes change for the positive).

The Super Involved Stay at Home Mom  This mom might not directly want to be involved in the staff of the PTSA but she definitely wants to help.  She's at every even helping and volunteering.  She is often the mom that uses Pinterest as her secret weapon and can create anything with a little whimsy.  She will often drive to and from meetings or help out the moms that can't make it to the meetings or events due to work.

The Barely Makes it or Comes Late Working Mom  Guilty as charged.  These moms work on schedules that either have them coming in late or leaving early so they can still make it to their job.  They want to be involved but can't always be at the events that occur during the day.  In fact, they need crazy amounts of planning in order to be able to make it there period.  Their intentions are good but their ability to be in two places at once is very evident.

and finally....

The Spectator  These are the parents that come to vote and that's about as far as their involvement goes.  It's not a bad thing.  They may join in once or twice if they get a special call from the PTSA staffers but they generally are just coming to the meetings to know what's going on in their kids' lives. 

and an added bonus..... the Absentee Ballot:  These are the parents that pay the fee, join the PTSA and then never do another thing the whole year.  Still important for paying the fees and contributing, these parents are absolutely never at any meetings or events the whole year.  It's not that they don't care about their kids, they just don't care about the PTSA and they CERTAINLY do not want to volunteer.

Again, this post is designed to be fun so have a little giggle at where you see yourself in here.  Get involved where you can when you can and support your PTSA!