Tuesday, September 1, 2015

The 5 Moms at the PTSA Meetings

In honor of the PTSA meetings starting up, I wanted to make a fun post.  Let me preface by saying this is strictly from my own experiences so please don't turn this into a fussy post where you take it all personally.  Without further ado.....


The Organizer:  You know this mom.  She may be the President or she may just be a super mom that has the ability to plan and execute every activity all year long (the person that SHOULD be the President of the PTSA).  She's going to be loud and proud and not let her opinion go unheard.  She's going to be on top of things all of the time.  Her kids are probably dressed to the nines every day at school and she never misses a meeting. She'll hear you out every time because she just wants the parents to get involved.  Generally these moms are friendly and light hearted but very strong willed (you have to be for some of these tasks) and a born leader.

The Bitter Wanna Be Organizer  This is the mom that is still ticked off that she didn't win the votes to be the President of the PTSA....or maybe she didn't put her hat in the running but is bitter AT the President of the PTSA because "she could do a better job."  Ironically this mom will only pick and choose her tasks but she will kick butt at every task she does, regardless of how exhausted she gets.  She can be found sitting at the back of the meeting mumbling to another bitter parent or her spouse about how she should be the one leading the meetings. (Side note:  If this mom DOES get to be President and sees how hard it is, it's humbling for her and her attitude can sometimes change for the positive).

The Super Involved Stay at Home Mom  This mom might not directly want to be involved in the staff of the PTSA but she definitely wants to help.  She's at every even helping and volunteering.  She is often the mom that uses Pinterest as her secret weapon and can create anything with a little whimsy.  She will often drive to and from meetings or help out the moms that can't make it to the meetings or events due to work.

The Barely Makes it or Comes Late Working Mom  Guilty as charged.  These moms work on schedules that either have them coming in late or leaving early so they can still make it to their job.  They want to be involved but can't always be at the events that occur during the day.  In fact, they need crazy amounts of planning in order to be able to make it there period.  Their intentions are good but their ability to be in two places at once is very evident.

and finally....

The Spectator  These are the parents that come to vote and that's about as far as their involvement goes.  It's not a bad thing.  They may join in once or twice if they get a special call from the PTSA staffers but they generally are just coming to the meetings to know what's going on in their kids' lives. 

and an added bonus..... the Absentee Ballot:  These are the parents that pay the fee, join the PTSA and then never do another thing the whole year.  Still important for paying the fees and contributing, these parents are absolutely never at any meetings or events the whole year.  It's not that they don't care about their kids, they just don't care about the PTSA and they CERTAINLY do not want to volunteer.

Again, this post is designed to be fun so have a little giggle at where you see yourself in here.  Get involved where you can when you can and support your PTSA!

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