Monday, August 31, 2015

The Small Arguments and the Reality

I'm going to address this post to the people that feel they MUST argue every single topic.  There are a few topics that have bubbled up over the past week/weekend that these argumentative people feel they must loudly and proudly voice their adamant rejection of.  Sadly, most of them haven't even fully read up on what's going on with these issues.  So here's the reality of many of these much-argued issues.....

The Clerk That's Asking for a BYE (essentially) on her having to issue marriage licenses to homosexual couples.  As a Christian, I understand that sometimes things that are going on publicly that you object to on a Faith based level and you have every opportunity and right to remove yourself from the situation.  Note how I phrased that....remove YOURSELF from the situation.  When you own a business, in my opinion, you have a choice to reject service as you please but you will deal with the consequences (i.e. protests, very small customer base, reputation, etc).  With that being said, if you are going to choose a government job, it is your job to do as your job dictates.  If you don't like the job, you don't get to request a religious BYE; you need to quit your job if you can't perform it at the level required.

The renaming of Mt McKinley to Denali.  First of all, I'm  not even sure I phrased that correctly since it's simply being RESTORED to the name of "Denali."  The people throwing fits over this are saying the President has more important things to focus on which may be totally true.  They're arguing it's not the President's place.  Here's the thing: The Alaskan people have been requesting this change for a very long time.  The name "McKinley" was supposed to honor the former president who never even visited the mountain.  Restoring the name "Denali" is important to the Alaskan people.

Miley Cyrus wearing practically nothing to host the VMAs First off, if you're old enough to argue her wardrobe, you probably shouldn't be torturing yourself with watching the VMAs to begin with.  Let's be realistic...they're designed for shock value. It's not good or bad, just reality.  In terms of Miley's wardrobe choices, this shouldn't be a huge shock either.  She has chosen risqué items since she was a teenager and, quite frankly, it's mostly for attention.  If you're offended, turn the channel. Realistically women that dress that risqué are like toddlers throwing a tantrum: if you ignore them long enough they'll stop and try something else.

and finally....

The father of the reporter killed on live TV is rallying for stricter gun control laws.  Look, I'm all for background checks for guns.  With that said, the things that are trying to be shoved down our throats are not only unconstitutional but they're also uneducated, in my opinion.  You can absolutely tighten background checks and pull medical records and do a million other things and criminal are STILL going to get them.  It's not a background check that will create or prevent a shooting situation.  It's a PERSON.  This was a senseless crime and my heart goes out to both families (and the community).  With that being said, this guy was a delusional asshole and, for whatever reason, he made a terrible choice and then took a very cowardly way out of it when he was about to be caught.  You see, people keep arguing he didn't have a sound mind but he clearly had a sound enough mind to know he didn't want to go to jail.  Reality is that we should be arming MORE people, in my opinion.  If a criminal knows that 90% of the people in a room are going to be armed, he's going to be FAR less likely to go in there and try to rob it.  Evidence of this?  Kennesaw, Georgia.  When the law was passed that all adults, essentially, had to have a gun in their home, their crime rate was reduced by leaps and bounds.  Chicago?  Strict gun control laws and CRAZY crime rate.  Nuff said.

Regardless of your opinion on things, just bear this in mind.  When you argue over EVERYTHING, people listen to you about NOTHING.  They roll their eyes and ignore you.  I'd rather let the small things go and have someone hear me out on the issues that matter.

Monday, August 24, 2015

National Topless Day

Apparently, yesterday was a day for women to go topless to celebrate equality for showing their breasts.  It seems to be an issue that sharply divides the masses which makes me chuckle a little.  There are so many bigger issues on the planet to be focusing on and it all comes down to boobies.  So here is my take on the whole thing....

First of all, to all the people that are so deeply upset, lighten up.  You can shelter your kids all you want but they're going to see breasts....and that's okay.  Kids see everything short of nipples on the daily in the skimpy clothes girls/women wear.  (I've preached on that before, though).  Your child will not become some sort of rampant pervert from seeing boobies.  In fact, if you don't make a big deal about it, they won't either.  Granted, preteen and teenage boys are going to stare but seriously, if you think that wouldn't happen whether the women were clothed or not, you're crazy.  Boobies are boobies are boobies.  Lighten up.

Secondly, please please please do NOT be part of the group that lumps this in with the women advocating for completely LEGAL public breast feeding without shaming.  These are completely separate issues, in my opinion.  Most nursing moms just want to be able to feed their babies.  Despite what others may preach, most nursing moms are discreet and are not lifting their shirts over their heads and/or taking off their shirts to feed their babies.  Moms that are advocating nursing are not walking around topless all day to promote nursing without shaming.  This is a complete and definitely separate issue.

Third, with all of the issues going on in this world is this really something that needs to be protested?  Probably not, in my opinion.  With that being said, to each his own.  Do I believe that there are very many woman that are just absolutely dying of heat exhaustion from having to wear a shirt? No, I don't.  Do I believe that women sometimes are just looking for something to argue about?  Yes,.....yes I do.  In my opinion, this is a trivial issue that is just a woman or a group of women looking for something to harp about.

Finally, realistically, the very same women that are protesting not being able to go topless are harping about being objectified.  Well, guess what ladies?  Men like boobies.  It's life....has been since the dawn of man.  Men like to look at boobies so if you're baring them, they're going to look at you sexually.  Period.  You can love it, hate it or anything else but it's reality and you protesting it is not going to change that.  Fair warning, if you're going to go to park and run around without your shirt, don't be mad when men crowd and gawk....that is THEIR right, their EQUAL right....see how that works? 

Honestly, I think the whole issue is ridiculous on both sides of it.  The uptight people need to lighten up on BOTH sides of this.  A booby is  booby is  booby.  Let's focus on bigger issues, folks.

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Tech Age Manners

There are certain rules of courtesy that have always applied to people (at least the ones that use their manners).  Now, with the technology age in full swing, I believe there are certain NEW rules that apply, as well. 

Put Down Your Phone.  When you are with friends, family, business associates or anyone else (really), put down your phone.  You don't need to check your Facebook.  You don't need to update your Twitter account.  You need to be with the people that are right in front of you.

No Phones at the Table Okay, this has a teeny tiny catch to it...what if you're out to dinner and your kids are at home with the sitter.  In this case, I believe, it's fine to have the phone out in plain sight but that you do not answer that phone unless it is either a phone call or text FROM the sitter.  Again, don't check your Facebook page....don't tweet your meal.  Be with the people you're with.

Stop with the Vague posts already You know the guy/girl I'm talking about...everyone has one.  They post vague posts on Facebook or Twitter that have you wondering if they're suicidal or if it's a song lyric.  They post random rants about people but don't specify who they're very obviously singling out and then get angry when you ask them.  Common courtesy is to keep it simple, stupid.  Don't post vague passive aggressive posts on Facebook and then either ignore people who are concerned or get angry when people pry.

Ugly Pictures Okay we all love a good practical joke but I have a bit of an issue with people that openly post ugly pictures of others and tag them in them.  Look, it's one thing to see them and private message.  It's quite another to post it and tag people in them.  It's rude. 

Semi porno pics While we're on the topic of pictures, stop it with the semi porn, okay folks.  It's one thing to do tasteful boudoir photos and share a couple of the ones that aren't obscene.  Let's be real, one wants to see you decked out in your skivvies using your bedroom eyes except your partner.  If you happen to be a hot little number posting this crap on Facebook, remember that married men are looking at it and you might well be the cause of an argument that doesn't need to take place just so you can boost your ego.  It's a courtesy....keep it off Facebook.

Don't be shady.... I'm going to be using the male pronouns  here but this applies to women too.  If you are in a relationship  of any kind, you do NOT need to be petitioning women for photos, sex talk, videos, or anything of the like.  Plain and simple, it's cheating.  Period.  Call it what you want.  It's cheating.  Stop it.

Attacking Over Opinions It's said that you don't argue over two things...politics and religion.  It's true, those present huge gaps in people's beliefs.  Reality, though, is that people are entitled to their positions.  You don't have to agree but don't attack someone on  A PERSONAL LEVEL.  If you have to sink to name calling, your argument is invalid anyway.

Post-Baiting And while we're talking about argumentative posts, if you are posting things just to cause arguments, you're being an ass.  It's one thing to post something you're passionate about.  It's another to post stuff just to watch the argument ensue.  Stop post baiting.

and finally....

Selfie control  Hey you....yeah the selfie queen who took a picture of yourself eating tortellini that was "so yummy."  Knock it off.  You're complaining about the moms who post pictures of their kids or the dog owners that post them of their dogs....yet here you are, posting a picture in the bathroom of the club like, "# Sizzlin".  Come off it.  It's one thing to shoot a selfie when you're having a great day and look nice.  It's another to shoot one after every.....single......workout.  Get some self esteem and save it for your partner, lady!

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Anna Duggar....cheating.....and everything in between

Quite frankly, I feel like most celebrity gossip and headlines are malarkey.  I think that they aren't worth the read and that there are far more important issues we should be worrying about than someone's plastic surgery or which celebrity is dating who.  With that being said, I was disgusted enough recently by a headline to really get riled up because it speaks to me personally.  This headline?  Josh Duggar's wife partially blames herself for his actions on the Ashley Madison website.  Despicable.

First of all, I will say this: I have always said and continue to say that I admire the Duggars for some things.  One of these is that they are involved parents that attempt to raise their children with some values.  Look, I'm NOT saying that I agree with all of their values but with so many parents stuck to their smartphones while their kids sit in front of the TV instead of getting out and experiencing the world, I'm glad to see a family that gets out there and does something with their kids.  Parents that care enough to home school, take their kids on road trips and so on.  Are there many things I don't agree with that they do?  Absolutely.  There are a lot of parents that do things outside of the media that I don't agree with too.  Do I agree that they mishandled their son's actions in molesting his sisters?  Absolutely.  I just want to be up front about the fact that I think that a family with truly involved parents that live debt-free is something to be looked at.  This does NOT mean I support everything they do.  Just trying to state the positive before I launch into a rant.

I also want to dispute a statement I keep hearing: "Well he said he was a Christian, yet...."  Yeah, you know what?  A lot of people love to tout their Christian values and use them as an excuse to be jackasses.  This is true of MANY religions though. I don't blame all Muslims for the extremists.  I don't blame all agnostics for extremists in their community.  I don't blame all Christians for extremists either.  The definition of Christian is one that believes that Jesus is the savior and was crucified, buried and rose again.  There are many branches and, from what I've read, their family and a group of others created their own branch of the Baptist faith because Southern Baptist wasn't conservative enough for them. That's truly is.  It doesn't make all people of their faith bad nor does it make all Christians bad.  Freedom of religion is a wonderful thing....but it doesn't mean you get to break the laws or either our country or act without consequence. 

The other thing I would like to point out before I go into my opinions on his actions and her reaction is that it's none of our business.  Well that's absolutely true, to some extent.  I have always believed and will continue to believe, though, that if you choose the celebrity life, you choose the consequences.  You choose people knowing your business and you choose that they will have the right to an opinion....not to judge but to feel a certain way about it.  Their family chose to put themselves in the public eye as an exclamation of great faith.  Josh continued to put himself in the public eye by choosing an executive position with an organization that fought gay marriage.  He chose the life and he chooses that people know all about his business.

With all of that said, here is my take on the situation.....

Anna had four children in approximately (and I'm approximating here) 5 years.  Having done this myself, I can honestly say that it's exhausting.  Pregnancy is exhausting.  Having a newborn is exhausting, particularly when you're breast feeding and more particularly when you already have other children to care for while you're caring for a newborn.  Having multiple children is exhausting.  I feel for her on a personal level because I've lived that.  Her newest baby is only a month or so old and she's still dealing with her body recuperating from the birth.  I've read in multiple articles that their personal belief (within the Duggar's religious sect, so to speak) is that a woman is to be at her husband's beck and call at all times except 40 days after the birth of a boy and 80 days after the birth of a girl.  All I can think is  how exhausted she must be and how demanding that must be for her.  What high expectations are placed on the women in these circumstances.

Though everyone keeps bringing in Josh's molestation controversy here as if Anna just found out, even Anna says that she knew about that before she got married.  The controversy, of course, just bubbled up recently but she knew long before.  This Ashley Madison business is new to her.  There are some speculating that his admission of cheating is only dealing with the fact that he is addicted to pornography.  I don't believe this.  The wealth of free pornography on the internet is extensive.  If he was truly just trying to look at pornography, he wouldn't have signed up and paid a small fortune to try to have an affair.  I can't speak to whether or not he went through with it at this point but in my own belief, I think he did.  Why else would you have an ongoing account for that long using two different addresses?  Really.

All I will say about Josh Duggar is that I find the guy to be a real asshat.  While I appreciate the fact that he KIND OF owned up to his behavior and while I appreciate the fact that he seemed apologetic, and while I can appreciate that he deleted the account, he's an asshat.  If he truly felt bad for what he had done, he wouldn't have waited until this came out to apologize, he would have stopped and apologized before the hackers exposed all of the cheaters.  If he was truly apologetic, he would never let his wife feel like this was her fault....ever.  He wouldn't be phrasing this like it was someone else that made him do it.  He would accept FULL responsibility for his actions instead of standing behind a veil of religion.  If he was really concerned with deleting that account, he wouldn't have done it cloak and dagger after the molestation stuff came to light.  His religion is not some sort of shield for what he did....he chose his actions.  Where he put his genitalia and his choices leading up to that were HIS choice and no one else's.  Period.

What I'm more concerned about is Anna.  Stay at home mom of four kids 5 and's a truly thankless job sometimes and having to meet the demands of their religion on top of that, I can't imagine.  The fact that she feels like she should have counseled him better or that she should have been there more is ludicrous.  I hate that she's feeling that way and I truly hope she receives some REAL counseling (and I'm not talking about the kind Josh got for molesting his sisters) to let her know that his actions are NOT her fault.  This poor girl is stuck between a rock and a hard spot.  If she allows the anger I can only hope she feels to bubble up, she's going against her religion, which is the biggest part of who she is at this point.  If she forgives him, she's essentially letting him know that it's okay to continue to do dumb stuff and she'll enable him because it's "her job."  Her broken spirit can't help the fact that she's giving him more and more power over her happiness and her life by not telling him that he is responsible for his actions...not the devil, not the media, not his religion....HE is responsible.  I hope, for her sake, that she allows herself to get angry and get it out because the build up of these emotions will only result in bad things for her on a personal level.  My prayers are not for Josh to be "cured" of his "demons"..... my prayers are for Anna and her babies.

My closing statement is pretty simple.  To partners that choose to cheat in any way, shape or form from online affair to replacing their sex life with pornography to an actual physical affair, you are a coward.  If you're unhappy with the state of your marriage, talk to your partner.  If that doesn't work, seek counseling.  If all else fails and it's a deal breaking situation, leave.  The pain and havoc you wreak on a family when you cheat is a thousand times worse than what a divorce would cause.  To the partners who are the victims of the cheater, it is NOT your fault.  You may blame yourself for contributing to an unhappy relationship (as it takes two) but you are NOT responsible for the actions that your partner chose.  If you are a victim of a cheater, allow yourself those feelings....anger, sadness, frustration.  Allow yourself to feel it. Maybe even seek counseling to get through it.  Allow yourself to fully process and then decide how you want to react but remember that it is NOT your fault.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Basic Skills to Learn Before You Move Out!

I saw a post this morning on skills/lessons you should move before you move out.  I have a few of my own to add.  Here goes....

Learn to check the tire pressure and change a tire on your car as well as check fluids and what to do if you're having car issues and need to pull over.  Don't just teach them to call AAA.  Teach your kids basic skills.  Make them try it so they understand what they're looking for. 

How to balance a check book.  While I realize that you can just keep track of your balance online, there's something to be said for teaching a kid to balance their checkbook so they can budget more efficiently.

Basic "shop" skills.  How to use a hammer, drill, saw, etc.  I'm not telling you they need to learn how to build a house from the ground up but learning basic skills to be able to hang a picture or a set of shelves would be great.

Basic "home ec" skills. Yep, folks, I think you need to learn basic sewing, cooking, etc.  It WILL come in handy down the road.

How to follow a recipe.  While this falls under the category of home ec, I felt it important to specify this as a real skill.  If they can follow a recipe, they can eat something besides boxed nastiness. 

How to do laundry  I cannot stress enough how important it is to teach your kids this.  Teach them about the temperature you wash things in and the reason you do it that way.  Teach them the proper use of bleach and the effects it has.

The importance of things like savings and insurance.  I don't think this is stressed often enough and I think a lot of kids move out and think, "oh crap!" when something happens.

How to budget.  Teach them about bills first and then needs and wants.  You will never "need" the biggest TV and not enough kids realize this anymore.

and finally....

Life isn't fair and you don't always get what you want  If there is any lesson I believe it's important to realize, this is it.  Life is NOT always fair and you are not entitled to some huge house when you turn 18 because your parents have it.  You don't always get what you want and people will be jerks.  Don't quit your job because you have an annoying boss or co worker. 

Friday, August 14, 2015

Men are NOT Inept

There is a viral video circulating currently with a Dad trying to change his baby's diaper and gagging from the odor to the point of vomiting.  Honestly, I couldn't make it through it because watching him gag actually makes me gag more than ANY diaper I've ever changed.  It occurs to me that people seem to get a kick out of making fun of dads being incredibly inept.  They seem to get a giggle from watching men struggle to deal with things like contraction-level pain, changing diapers, trying to manage more than one child and so on.  The common theme?  A lot of these men appear to be clueless when it comes to raising children.  Here's the reality, in my opinion....

Realistically, yes, there are clueless men trying to parent.  Then again, consider how many clueless women there are too.  In fact, aren't we all just a LITTLE clueless in how to handle our kids sometimes.  How much experience you have combined with how much you CHOOSE to learn about kids ultimately affects how clueless you are about your kids.  Are there men that aren't interested to learn?  Absolutely.  Are there women that do the same?  For sure.  Regardless, not all men are clueless.  In fact, they are actually pretty on top of things most of the time.

A whole lot of women like to think of men as stunted when it comes to parenting because dads aren't doing things the way that moms would do it.  There's a reason for that and, put bluntly and realistically, it hangs between their legs.  Men are men and women are women.  They think differently because that's how they were created.  They do things different because they think differently.  And ladies, even if you consider me a traitor to the gender, just because they're doing it differently doesn't mean it's not right.  He may take more or fewer steps to do something than you would but it still gets done.  They're not stunted; they're just approaching it differently.

Most of these same women seem to think it's funny to make jokes about men being clueless when it comes to being dads because it makes them feel better as a mom.  It stems back to the theory that they need to put someone else down in order to feel better.  It's not always with a mean spirit.  In fact, a lot of these women are just feeling self conscious and looking for a way to feel better.  With that being said, the direct effect of doing this is that men feel like crap and don't want to help....and then we get mad that they're not helping.  Vicious circle.

I, personally, have seen dads juggle things just as well as, if not better in some cases, than moms.  They can braid little Susie's hair, pick out clothes for school and get their lunches packed just as well as moms.  Frankly, I love seeing dads be involved.  I think it's a really great concept for kids to understand that mom may do things this way and dad may do it that way but it always gets done.  Then again, I'm an advocate for "don't teach them WHAT to think; teach them HOW to think."

I guess what it all comes down to is this:

In the country, nowadays, there are a whole lot of divorced families with dads that are parenting on their own when their kids are with them.  There are a lot of families where the mom works and the dad stays at home.  There are a lot of families where both parents work but the dad is incredibly involved.  These men are not supporting characters and their kids are benefiting from learning that Dads are on top of things too.  I'm all for some harmless laughs but let's not forget, when we're watching, that these men may gag when they change the diaper but they're still changing it.  Let's give the involved dads in this world a hand and let them know they're appreciated.

Side note:  Fellas, I DO think the labor pain video is funny.  Don't get me wrong, there are PLENTY of things men have to deal with that women don't but the simulation of labor pain video nails it.  You can "get it" that we're in pain when we're in labor but watching someone truly feel it for the first time is gratifying to some small degree.

Thursday, August 13, 2015


Okay honestly I have to confess the following:  I've watched some of the Kardashian shows because, frankly, it's like a train wreck.  I can't look away.  I've seen a half dozen posts, though, about Kim Kardashian posting her pregnant body and I have cringed every time I see this.  Ughhhhh more Kardashians?  Really?  Opinions on the family? Sure...allow me to share.....

First of all, I honestly wish that Kylie Jenner is a train wreck waiting to happen.  Maybe I'm wrong.  She was a stunning girl before she decided to pump her lips with whatever the hell she pumped them with.  Now she looks fake...and it's sad to me. 

Secondly, I think that all of the other girls are beautiful.  Kendall is a stunning, frankly, and, for all practical purposes seems like she's actually living her life and doing her own thing.  The girls are beautiful.  With that being said, the amount of plastic surgery in that family is staggering and I have to wonder what they'd look like if it wasn't for those surgeries.

Third, I think it is absurd that anyone (including but not limited to Kardashians) feels the need to explain themselves to the point of posting a completely nude photo of your pregnant body to fight critics.  Come off it.  If you're really THAT concerned with whether or not someone is calling you "fat" when you're pregnant, you are focusing on the wrong things.  Who CARES if you're fat when you're pregnant and who cares who says it?  You're not fighting off critics, you're looking for attention.  Period.

Fourth, most the crap on that show (and in the media, for that matter) is drummed up for attention.  They hype it and make it look worse (or better, in some cases) than it is for ratings.  It's a common thing in TV.  Just remember, if you're watching, that the hand is quicker than the eye, so to speak.  They're creating something to draw your attention.

Fifth, you can criticize them for a lot of things but they have definitely  built an empire and, frankly, you can't tell me that if you had an opportunity to use five seconds of fame to build a clothing line, colognes, etc that you wouldn't think awfully hard about it.  Realistically speaking, they've created a successful business from what started as a sex tape scandal.  Crazy, right?

and finally.....

The more attention you give to them, the longer they'll stick around.....and they know that.  If things get too quiet, they'll disappear into the woodwork so there HAS to be scandal all of the time.  The media thrives on sex and drama and they are quite content to make a big deal of both if it means that they continue to make money.  Honestly, it's a great business strategy for the type of business they have.  With that being said, this post (even) gives them more attention than I care, at this point.  Stop buying the magazines, watching the shows and just let this family go away and live normal lives.  Give our generation some role models that don't thrive on these morals.

P.S. Kim, you look fine being pregnant.  You don't need to take off your clothes to get attention. Be pregnant and focus on your family, not on whether or not someone thinks you're too fat.

Friday, August 7, 2015

Republican Debates

The first Republican debate took place last night and I watched (though I was streaming so it was not great quality LOL).  I watched the earlier debate with the bottom of the barrel runners as well.  I should probably preface my opinions by saying the following: I think all politicians are just apes in suits.  I register and have very independent values.  Basically, I think the Dems and Republicans are both corrupt parties and I prefer to just study the candidates instead of subscribing to the idea that I have to assign myself to a party and vote for whatever monkey they throw my way...and believe me, some of the past candidates have been real chimpanzees in party hats.

After watching, I can honestly say the following.....

There are a whole lot of people giving very robotic, scripted speeches that you can tell are solely to please their sponsors more than anything else.  There's no heart in their speech and our country needs some heart right now...and a whole lot of brains.

I would rather hear someone speak honestly and without concern for political correctness than listen to someone yada-yada about things, tip toeing around the subjects and giving let's-please-the-crowd answers to every question. 

I DO believe that illegal immigration is a big deal...a very big deal.  Before you jump on your high horse and call me a racist (or worse), understand that I think that LEGAL immigration is absolutely an amazing thing. Our country was built on the idea of being a place where you can search for your destiny.  Our country was not built on people breaking the laws to get here and then living off the government.  I am all for people that come here, learn our language, adapt to our culture and work hard.  That's just my opinion.

I DO believe that there is a very big threat emanating from the Middle East right now (and not ALL residents of the Middle East are part of the threat but there is a very definite threat).  I believe we need to do whatever it takes to protect our country.  I believe that energy dependence would be a big step in helping with this too.

and finally...well finally for now as I have a ton of opinions...

I DO believe that becoming a manufacturing powerhouse would be beneficial.  I believe that bringing our businesses BACK to our country is a key part of making our country great again.  I think that we need to stop giving other countries leverage in our lives by owing them money and focus our attention on fixing what's broken here. 

I have a whole lot of opinions regarding these debates but this is a small sampling of where I'd like to see our country go.

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Random Tidbits of Info

So I'm covering a relatively wide variety of topics today in little niblets because I've seen a few news stories, etc that caught my eye.  Here goes....

A mom in the UK says she's being called a pedophile for openly breastfeeding her 7 year old.  Okay I hate the fact that the word "pedophile" is thrown around like this.  Realistically speaking, in my opinion, seven is too old to be breastfeeding.  Don't throw the "well other countries do it" line to me.  Yes they do...but a vast majority of those countries are underdeveloped and don't have a lot of healthy food options.  With that being said, I don't believe her to be a pedophile.  I do believe it can have lasting effects on the emotional development of her kid but that's just my opinion.

Tebow on the Eagles  I couldn't be more happy that someone is giving him a chance to get back into the NFL.  Say what you will but I think he got gipped when he was traded and then shit on under Sanchez.  I'm a Tebow fan and likely always will be.

Kevin Bacon releases mock ad advocating more male nudity in film.  Damn right, Kevin Bacon.  Okay, I confess...after seeing "Wild Things" in the theater as a teenager (not knowing it would be the type of movie it turned out to be), I have never been able to watch "Footloose" quite the same way.  With that being said, with all of the female nudity that is almost necessary in films now to make them sell, why not the guys too.  #FreetheBacon

Planned Parenthood selling baby parts I will have to write a more lengthy post on this another time but I can say this much: Planned Parenthood is pissed because people are airing these and saying they've been edited to make them look bad.  I don't buy it.  It's pretty clear that there is corruption within.  My personal opinion is that women have the right to choose.  I also think that abortion can be overused by SOME as a semi-birth control method.  I don't think our tax dollars should be funding Planned Parenthood in light of these videos.  I certainly don't agree with the "blob of cells" sentiment as I believe life begins at conception.  You can give it any pretty old name you want, you're selling human beings and it's heartbreaking. 

and finally....

The Bears considered to likely be the worst team in the NFL this year.  Okay I'm not sure if this will actually stand true or not.  Honestly, though, I believe that attitude reflects leadership and your QB makes all the difference.  I'm not a fan of Cutler...and that's not  a secret.  I think he's a pompous overrated jackass who has a relatively decent amount of talent and potential but his head is so far up his own ass that all he can do is whine and place blame on others.  Fear not, Bears Fans, I honestly think there might be some worse off than you guys this year but as long as Jay Cutler is your QB, I will root for whoever is playing you....unless it's the Packers because I was still raised right. Hahahaha

Monday, August 3, 2015

The Great Debate between Native and Non-Native Coloradans

So I keep seeing these polarizing posts between native and non-native Coloradans getting pissy with each other.  Most of the natives that are posting these are being bitchy about people moving to Colorado from out of state and saying to stay away.  Most of the non-natives are getting bitchy because they don't want to be told not to come here and invade their territory.  What I'm finding, though, is that the VAST majority of the native Coloradans posts are describing some very similar issues with WHY they don't want people here.  (Some people are just territorial but articles that THAT are pretty rare in mainstream media).  So here is my take on things....

Don't move to Colorado....and then try to make Colorado into your home state.  I understand that sometimes you might be moving due to a job change or something of the like.  With that being said, there is NO excuse to try to change anything about this beautiful state's culture.  I have lived in a lot of places but this is truly home to me.  Don't move here and expect it to be like California because it's not.  Don't move here and expect to change your surroundings to be like New York.  Honestly, the reason I love Colorado so much is because people are wonderful here, there is so much beauty, and the lifestyle and culture are perfect for me.  If you are a staunch anti-pot advocate, this is probably not the place for you.  If you hate being outdoors and want to rush rush rush, this is probably not the place for you.  Don't move to Colorado and try to make it something that it's not because it's wonderful the way it is.

Don't move to Colorado and disrespect your surroundings.  Honestly, folks, you can't beat the view here.  There is no shortage of beauty and things to do here, especially outdoors.  Don't move here and then treat our beautiful state like it's your dumping ground.  It's not.  If you can't respect your surroundings and treat this beautiful state the way it should be treated, I'll gladly escort you to the border.  I may not be a native but there is little I can stand less than this.

Don't move to Colorado and then bitch about people smoking pot.  Listen, I'm not a pot smoker but I have advocated it being legal for a long time.  I love the fact that it's legal here and honestly, as much as outsiders and bitchy advocates would like to tell you otherwise, it doesn't affect the vast majority of non-smoking people in ANY way let alone negatively.  Anti advocates would have you believe that people are blowing it in your face, hiding in your Halloween candy, and spiking it with craziness.  They're not.  That's not to say it doesn't happen ever anywhere but realistically it just doesn't happen to 99.999999% of people here.  Get off your high horse and realize that marijuana has a lot of positive attributes and suck it up...or leave.  Don't come here and then bitch about it.

Don't move to Colorado and then tell me how much prettier your city is than Denver.  I originated in Illinois not far from Chicago.  Will I ever sit and tell you how much prettier it is there?  Nope.  The Chicago skyline is beautiful but there is something about seeing Denver's skyline with the mountains behind it that makes you fall in love with this city. It's gorgeous.  So yes, your home city may have been great but I don't want to hear about how much nicer or prettier it is there.

and finally....

Don't move to Colorado and be a dick...period.  I say all of the time that I can tell native Coloradans from the ones that moved here.  What I mean is that the majority of people that act like dicks are people that didn't grow up here.  I swear that the air up here just makes the natives nice and pleasant (for the most part).  The grouchy, unpleasant people with a case of the uglies have mostly originated elsewhere and moved here.  Everyone has a bad day but if you're unpleasant, please just stay away.  You're moving here to adopt their culture, not act like  dick.

I guess, in short, what I'm trying to say is that when you move somewhere, you should be adopting their culture.  My take on Colorado is that it is a beautiful place with incredible people, an outdoorsy rec habit and a very natural lifestyle.  It fits me like a glove and I love it here. I don't WANT it to be any of the other places I've lived because this feels like home and I wouldn't change a thing.  If you don't want to be a part of that and you like the hustle bustle of New York or the Midwestern charm, stay home....don't come here and try to change it because it's amazing the way it is.