Friday, August 7, 2015

Republican Debates

The first Republican debate took place last night and I watched (though I was streaming so it was not great quality LOL).  I watched the earlier debate with the bottom of the barrel runners as well.  I should probably preface my opinions by saying the following: I think all politicians are just apes in suits.  I register and have very independent values.  Basically, I think the Dems and Republicans are both corrupt parties and I prefer to just study the candidates instead of subscribing to the idea that I have to assign myself to a party and vote for whatever monkey they throw my way...and believe me, some of the past candidates have been real chimpanzees in party hats.

After watching, I can honestly say the following.....

There are a whole lot of people giving very robotic, scripted speeches that you can tell are solely to please their sponsors more than anything else.  There's no heart in their speech and our country needs some heart right now...and a whole lot of brains.

I would rather hear someone speak honestly and without concern for political correctness than listen to someone yada-yada about things, tip toeing around the subjects and giving let's-please-the-crowd answers to every question. 

I DO believe that illegal immigration is a big deal...a very big deal.  Before you jump on your high horse and call me a racist (or worse), understand that I think that LEGAL immigration is absolutely an amazing thing. Our country was built on the idea of being a place where you can search for your destiny.  Our country was not built on people breaking the laws to get here and then living off the government.  I am all for people that come here, learn our language, adapt to our culture and work hard.  That's just my opinion.

I DO believe that there is a very big threat emanating from the Middle East right now (and not ALL residents of the Middle East are part of the threat but there is a very definite threat).  I believe we need to do whatever it takes to protect our country.  I believe that energy dependence would be a big step in helping with this too.

and finally...well finally for now as I have a ton of opinions...

I DO believe that becoming a manufacturing powerhouse would be beneficial.  I believe that bringing our businesses BACK to our country is a key part of making our country great again.  I think that we need to stop giving other countries leverage in our lives by owing them money and focus our attention on fixing what's broken here. 

I have a whole lot of opinions regarding these debates but this is a small sampling of where I'd like to see our country go.

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