Thursday, September 24, 2015

Discipline Stinks Sometimes.

I can remember, as a child, having my parents tell me that it hurt them way more than it hurt me.  The statement sounded ridiculous at the time but it is absolutely true.  As a parent, we often have to make decisions that aren't fun and hurt our hearts because we know our children's hearts hurt. We have to discipline them when they've done something wrong and there are time that our children, especially our teenagers, are just straight-up angry about it.  I don't know that anyone really ever outgrows the desire to be liked and when our children are angry or sad about something we did to them, it can cut like a knife.  Honestly, it stinks...there is no other word.

Here's the good news.....

By making the hard decision and disciplining them for their actions, you are teaching your child a lesson.  Not only are you preparing them for life in the real world but you are also teaching them that there are consequences for their actions.  They may dislike you but they don't hate you (regardless of what some children say).  They may be angry with you but they will respect you for stepping up.  They may be sad about their punishment but they'll understand that they shouldn't repeat it (though it sometimes takes multiple offenses to get it through their heads).  Trust that making the hard decision now will pay off in the end and know that you're doing what's best for your child.  What they hate you for today, they'll thank you for in about ten or twenty years.

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