Monday, October 7, 2013

The Mall....Nuff Said

This weekend was a great journey.  My little man turned 9 on Thursday and we got to have a small family celebration where he got cake and the few things he had "asked" for.  High point of the celebration?  Sydney asked Daniel if she liked the coloring book pages she'd painted for him and he responded with, "I loved every single one of them."  Yep...that's my sweet little man!

Friday was one of those get-everything-crammed-into-a-couple-days days.  Saturday was supposed to be our day of rest and errands.  It started out fine but it turned out that my car (which was going into the shop for what we thought was a simple fix) needed to be in the shop until Tuesday.  They gave me a rental but I had to go and pick it up.  Oy!  On a positive spin, the dealership is paying for the rental (I just had to pay the deposit) and I'm just thankful that God provided that. 

SIDE NOTE:  Even BETTER news?  Tony ended up scoring us Redwings vs Avs tickets and I get to see my first Redwings game!

So we decided to take Daniel to the mall for a trip to the Lego Store.  I am not a fan of the mall (nor is Tony) and I was just unsure of exactly how to handle the situation without making Daniel give up his one real request.  It ended up okay (despite a minor panic attack over thinking we wouldn't be able to remember where the car was) and the "boys" (Tony and Daniel..LOL) played arcade games PLUS Daniel ended up getting the Lego set he's been wanting for FOREVER!!!  If the mall would just stop shifting things around and getting rid of stores we might be okay. LOL

All things considered, it was a blessing but I never want to go to the mall again.

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