Thursday, February 27, 2014


Mom-schooling.  For me, it's creating helpful things to work on at home that coincide with what they're learning at school or maybe teach something that teachers only got to touch on.  I've gotten a lot of crap for it over the years because people drill me and tell me I'm not letting my kids be kids by giving them "work" at home, too.  The fact is that I don't drill them.  It IS voluntary and it's almost always something fun and/or rewarding.  So here are my best mom-schooling tips.....

Start 'em young:  If you have the opportunity, start them on workbooks and reading time young.  They learn to enjoy it much more easily if it's something that's made fun and routine at the same time at a young age.

Cater to their interests.  Improve their writing by giving them a writing prompt that interests them.  Maybe it's a letter to bribe mom to play video games on weeknights.  Maybe it's a vacation idea.  Maybe it's writing about zombies...or princesses. 

Projects, projects, projects Let them visualize what they are learning through projects, whatever type that might be.

Give them a love for learning EVERYTHING  This comes from giving them a love for learning, in general.  If they're interested in horses, let them learn as much as possible.  Then when they show interest in something else, let them learn on that.  Encourage curiosity.

and finally....

Field trips  This one's tricky because money dictates what you can do.  With that being said, a trip to the grocery store can be a math field trip.  A bowling trip can help with math.  The zoo can encourage a lot of different subjects including math, English, etc. 

My current "want to teach" is History so I'm working on that.  It's time-consuming but worth it :)

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