Ironically enough, I see your post and I laugh....the first three or four times. After that, it is redundant. I get it. You don't give two tiny rats' asses who wins the football games...or if there's a football game on. I get that your significant other (or a family member or friend) drives you crazy talking about fantasy football or "that play" or anything else. I get it. I do. Here's the thing....
Everyone has their interests. I'm certainly not going to rip on someone for their love of art or decorating. I won't rip on someone who is only interested in running or reading or hiking or a certain TV show. I DEFINITELY won't rip on someone interested in politics or history or even give you too much shit for a constant posting of "sexy" women/men with a "Happy __fill in the day of the week__" sign. To each his own buddy. Variety is the spice of life and I like things extra spicy.
With all of that being said, yes. I constantly post about football during football season...and counting down until football season....and AFTER football season. I'm the same way about hockey. It's something I love and I see no reason that I can't talk about it. If you don't like it, don't read it. Let's agree to disagree on whether or not football is awesome. I'll read your million posts about how "Grey's Anatomy" was the best show ever created and you can read my million posts about the game....or just ignore them. Whatever.
The point is that your constant posting of disdain using the EXACT SAME picture over and over is making you look and act like a negative nelly. In the words of the great Queen Elsa, "Let it go." (Okay maybe there has been a wee too much "Frozen" in our house.)
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