Friday, September 12, 2014

LeSean McCoy's "Point"

LeSean McCoy left a 20 cent tip for a server at PYT Restaurant as a "statement."  It's all over the news.  Here are the facts, as they've surfaced.....

McCoy visited the restaurant despite what he describes as "bad reviews" that he'd read beforehand.  He claims that he received disrespectful, extremely poor service.  He left a 20 cent tip to prove a point.  The bill was over 60 dollars.

The PYT Restaurant manager posted a copy of the receipt and a statement on the Facebook page saying that they went above and beyond to cater to him because they were "big fans."  Charlie Sheen has since pledged $1000 to the server who was stiffed.

So, what's my take?

Well, first off, no one really knows 100% of what happened except the people there.  There are two "realities" presented here.  Likely McCoy is used to being fussed over more than he was.  What he deems as disrespectful could have been great service for the average person but is awful for someone used to being waited on hand and foot.  His "reality" of it is that he was treated disrespectfully and I have to give him the benefit of the doubt that this is what he believes to be true.

On the other hand, the "reality" of the staff at PYT is that he was catered to with increasingly special treatment because of who he was.  Other customers had to wait because he was there and they were fans.  Their reality is that he received superb service and stiffed them.  I have to give them the benefit of the doubt that this is what they believe to be true.

It's often said that there are three sides to every story so if we piece it together, we could probably find some semblance of the actual truth.  This has been a polarizing issue because (1) the receipt was publicized  (2) Those that were NOT EVEN PRESENT say that bad service=bad tips (3) It's "his business" what he wants to spend.  Let me address the first and third together: When he became a professional athlete, he accepted the public scrutiny that comes with it.  People aren't always going to like him or his decisions but just like any other "celebrity", you deal with the criticism to make the money and do what you love.  The receipt did NOT say his credit card information (less a few digits that would not provide enough to do anything) and while it is definitely "his business" how he spends his money, the fans pay a lot of money for him to be able to play so "his business" is really kind of theirs too when it comes to a guy being an asshat.

With all of that being said, there's a bigger issue here that a lot of people are ignoring.  Bad tips do NOT always mean bad service.  I've heard it said "Well if they don't want to live on tips, they should get a different job."  Well, on one hand, that might be true.  On the other hand, they are doing a job that SOMEONE has to do.  People don't always choose their jobs because it's something they love; often being a server is a matter of working through college, needing certain hours or even needing a second job.  There are definitely great servers and crappy ones and I'm a firm believer in tipping based on service BUT never below 10%.  20% is considered the standard and if I receive average service, I tip around 20% every time I go out.  If I receive exceptionally awful service, I speak to the manager and tip around 10-15 (I believe I've tipped 10% twice ever.....once from a woman that literally NEVER came to our table when there was virtually no one in the restaurant but was back socializing with the bartender).  If I receive exceptionally GREAT service, I tip significantly more.  Tips are part of life.  Yes, tips does stand for "To Insure Prompt Service."  The fact is that if you can't afford to tip, you shouldn't dine out.

Now here's my bigger issue....why didn't he talk to the manager if his service was so poor?  He didn't give the manager a chance to remedy the situation or make his experience better?  Why didn't he do it?  Because he was being a douchebag.  He was showing off and acting like an ignorant ass.  A man that makes $7 million a year can make a point in many more ways that making himself look like a jackass by tipping 20 cents on a $60+ restaurant check.  He wasn't concerned about making any point except that he has the control and he's a jackass. 

I'm sure, by now, that my opinion is relatively evident.  He's a jackass.  He's a jackass.  He might be a great player but he's a jackass.  Should the NFL reprimand him?  No.  They need to focus on bigger issues than this.  Should he fully get the rep of being a jackass?  Yes.  May the force be with him as he dines in the future because service staff is going to make DAMN sure that he gets "a point" in his meal in the future at least once or twice.  Sometimes you should save the "making a point" for the superiors and handle it like a man, McCoy.  Asshat behavior is asshat behavior...making a point or not.

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