Thursday, January 8, 2015

Missed Opportunities

I watched Nicole Kidman on "The Tonight Show" (with Jimmy Fallon) and she talked about how a mutual friend of theirs tried to introduce them.  Jimmy thought it was for a movie role and was given ten minutes notice.  Nicole thought he was cute and wanted to meet him to meet him.  They joked about how oblivious Jimmy was and how an opportunity had been lost but had turned out better in the long run.  They both had found love and had children.

All of this kind of took me back to my high school days and how many guys that I had crushes on that never responded to me at the time.  I was friendly but tended to not have enough self-confidence.  I never thought any of these guys would want to be with a girl like me.  The truth is that they probably wouldn't.  I wasn't into the same things.  I was very focused on my education and on what I'd be doing down the road.

Now, ironically, I've been approached by some of these same "boys" (who are now, for all practical purposes, considered men) that wonder why they passed me up back then.  Clearly I improved with age (which is not something that all women do, despite the expression).  The fact is that I don't look back and think that I missed something.  I look back and think what a character building experience that was for me.  I look back and think of what I DIDN'T miss.  I look at my life now and think that I'm thankful that I was a late bloomer.  It's made me who I am today.

The point is that sometimes people want to live in the past.  They want to think about how someone wronged them or how they missed an opportunity.  They want to think about how life was unfair to them or how if they'd have just gotten "this", then they would have "that."  The truth it, your life is exactly where it is today because that's exactly where it's supposed to be.  Whether you believe in God or Buddha or Allah or whatever else you may believe in, it still stands true.  Whether you want to call it karma or just call it life, it still stands true.  Life's funny like that.  You will look back years from now and think, "Man, that's exactly what needed to happen."  Enjoy the moment and live life to the fullest.  God has a plan.

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