Tuesday, June 9, 2015

My Guidelines for Arguments

There are times in life when it's difficult to know whether to speak up or not.  The world is full of over-opinionated people who feel like it is their job to spread their opinions to every corner of the globe and poo-poo on anyone who disagrees.  If your opinion doesn't match that of these over-opinionated individuals, they rally the troops and begin the character assassination.  These people can come in every shape, size, color, and every other trait.  They can appear quiet at first or be as loud as a blowhorn.  Realistically, our country has become this cauldron of mouth-running, wherein everyone feels like they need to stake their claim all of the time.  They tout freedom of speech but they don't seem to understand that freedom of speech was designed to protect you from persecution for talking about anything from religion to politics.  It was not designed for you to  name call because you don't like someone's opinion. 

With all of that said, here are my personal guidelines for when to speak up....

Is it hurting someone else or you?  The biggest indicator is whether or not it's hurting someone.  No, I'm not referring to the stretches of "hurt" that people create to accommodate an explanation of why their verbal diarrhea seems uncontrollable.  I'm talking about actual hurt.  Is someone being physically assaulted or threatened in such a way that they are in danger?  Absolutely...speak up, then!  Make your voice loud and clear.  Chase off the bullies.  Call authorities if necessary.  If it is a matter of physical harm, it is always okay to speak up.

No....no one is being hurt.  Then ask yourself these three questions:

Is what this person is saying going to affect me six months from now?  If someone is running their mouth and it won't affect you six months, six days or even six hours from now, let it go.  Realistically, people will run their mouths.  Rumors come and go and they STINK when they're at their worst but the true friends/family in your life know you and will know that rumors are rumors.  If someone is just sounding off, let it go.  It's not worth your time or aggravation.

Is this person known for being argumentative and/or are they trying to start an argument?  If you give in to an argumentative person, it's like feeding a fire.  You're probably not going to get ANYWHERE.  You're not going to change their opinion because they'll have a million excuses for how what they are doing is right and you're wrong.  Arguing, much like worrying, is like a rocking chair....you can do it for hours but it'll get you nowhere.

Will this improve my life any to engage?  Aside from getting your anger or frustration out (not really a good excuse to argue), is there any part of the argument that will actually improve your life.  If it is an argument that will improve your quality of life (or that of your children), by all means, argue away.  If this is just a petty argument that means nothing in the long run, let it go.

I guess my point in all of this is that people are so quick to jump on the angry wagon, nowadays, that they forget that life isn't about that.  People get so concerned with whether or not they're getting respected that they forget that respect is earned and making a fuss over everything isn't earning anyone's respect.  So before you engage in some battle of wits with an unarmed opponent, remember that sometimes it's just as effective to keep your mouth shut.

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