Friday, June 5, 2015

The Great Debate

I've waited a few days to really let things marinate in my head and heart over the controversy that is Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner.  Honestly, it's not for lack of opinion on some things but more on educating myself and really feeling confident that I've come to a conclusion that I feel comfortable with.  With that being said, here are my opinions on the topic.....

#1 and I consider this to be the most important opinion on the matter....No one's opinions on the matter REALLY should matter to this individual except the family.  The articles and blog posts calling people "dicks" for using the wrong pronoun or the calling people out for disagreeing with the choices made are nonsense.  It's no one's life to live except for this individual.  Even my opinion's should mean nothing in the long run. 

#2-I think that Bruce Jenner accomplished so much as an Olympian.  He made these incredible achievements that are pretty well unmatched (and spare me the statistics) and we should be proud of these accomplishments.  He also raised kids of his own AND kids that weren't his own with no regard to biology.  He was a carpool dad, a stepfather who stepped up to the plate.  He was an all-around amazing father figure.  I find it a shame that this generation will never really look at all that he's accomplished and will, instead, focus on THIS moment.

#3-I don't know the biology behind transgenderism (if that's a word).  Is there something to it?  Maybe so.  Maybe it's a psychological disorder like some shrinks say.  Maybe it's not.  I'm not a doctor or a scientist so I'm not an expert on the topic.  What I do know is that calling someone who still has a penis, testicles, etc a woman isn't something I can grasp.  If someone loses a penis in a horrible accident, he is considered no less of a man because DNA and biology say that he's a man.  For all intensive LEGAL purposes, your DNA makes you a man or a woman.  Period.

#4-Having said that, people have the freedom to pursue what makes them happy.  If Bruce feels better identifying as Caitlyn, so be it.  It's certainly not hurting me.  Whether he's biologically a woman or not, if that's what makes him happy, do whatever floats his boat.  I think it's great that he's found happiness. 

#5-I don't believe that this defines him as a hero.  Personally, I like to save the word "hero" for people that fight for our country....or people that defend our streets from criminals.  I don't believe that publically declaring what you want people to now call you or identify you as makes you a hero.  I think that it's brave to be who you are regardless of what people think....but then rallying the troops at the exact right time when transgenderism is being fought for instead of fighting for it years ago doesn't make you any more of a hero than anyone else.  Everyone has a cross to bear and it doesn't make you a hero to bear yours publically and expect everyone to accept and conform.

#6-I think that the concept that everyone should just drop the male pronoun and the name "Bruce" from their vocabulary is a bit  much.  Over time, maybe adaptation will occur but you can't shave a dog, put wool on it and expect everyone to call it a sheep just because you want them to.  It takes time to adapt.  Period.  For a whole lot of people, it will be like the Sears Tower.  It  has a new name but a whole lot of people still call it the Sears Tower.  Bruce/Caitlyn shouldn't be writing off the part of him that was, even if he is embracing himself as a woman now.  Over time, yes, things change but you can't just expect a magazine article to magically make everyone have the ability to correctly phrase things. 

#7-Honestly, to the extremists who are having a fit here and calling him all sorts of names, get over it.  You don't have to like or agree with transgenderism or anything else in life.  You just have to live with it.  If you don't want to recognize it, look the other direction.  It's a part of reality, at this point.  I may not fully understand or identify with it at all but the fact is that I actually embrace hearing different views (when they're debated civilly instead of name calling and character assassination).  I'm happy that Bruce has found happiness as Caitlyn and I hope that his family will consider to support whatever he continues to pursue. 

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