Thursday, July 11, 2013

My Carpe Diem train of thought for the day

Carpe's Latin for "Seize the day".  It became a famous phrase for a lot of people after watching "Dead Poet's Society" and it's a phrase that we should live by a lot more often.  I was sitting up last night having a train of thought that led me to this post and the train goes like this....

Carpe Diem is the start of the train.  It's the engine, leading the way.  It's about taking chances even when it's scary.  It's about stretching yourself to the limit so you can see how strong you really are.  It's about being the best at whatever you're the best at and not making excuses about it.  It's about living knowing that each moment could be your last.  We're not promised tomorrow and the engine of this train is all about realizing that.

Live without regret would be the first car of the train (after the engine).  It's about learning from your mistakes and moving on, realizing that you can't change the past.  If you screwed up, apologize but understand that you don't control other people's reactions to an apology.  If you made a wrong turn in your own personal path, accept that the stumbling blocks were put there for a reason, learn from what you experienced (good and bad) and move forward with your life, trying not to repeat the same mistakes.

Let God/Karma deal with the people that hurt you.  Revenge isn't worth your time and it hurts you more than it hurts the other person in the long run.  Everyone gets their godsmack (what goes around comes around) so don't spend your time or energy worrying about someone else's bull crap.  What's done is done. 

Finally, the last car would be to appreciate what you have or someone else will.  Look at the people in your life and the things they do for you.  Maybe they seem like a small deal to you but they're the person's best efforts to be supportive for you.  Maybe it seems like a small deal to them but it's a huge deal to you that they took time out of their day to do something for you.  When you start taking what you have for granted, it always winds up poorly.  Be thankful, be humble and be appreciative to those who love you.

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