So I'd like to cover a somewhat sensitive topic. I want to preface by saying that I am NOT saying that there are not very definite issues on the other side of this (the female side). I'll cover the issues I have with women on this in another post. Today, I'm covering the topic of man whores.
First, let me define what I'm talking about when I use the term "man whore." For me, "man whore" means that a man sleeps around with multiple women in an unprotected environment and continually produces children that he doesn't care for. Oddly specific, right? I don't define a man who sleeps around as a man whore if he uses protection; who am I to criticize his habits. I don't define a man who has multiple children with multiple women as a man whore if he supports them because he's still supporting his children. I'm talking about the men who hit it and quit it.
Look, I try not to judge people in this life. I try to be understanding of their situations. Everyone makes mistakes, especially in their younger years. What I can't, for the life of me, understand is men that produce multiple children with multiple women and then walk away from some or all of the kids. I was always taught that if you're responsible enough to have sex, you're responsible enough to deal with the possible consequences. Even using birth control AND a condom, there is a minute chance that you can still get pregnant. If you can't deal with that possibility, you shouldn't be having sex to begin with. I teach my children the same principle: actions have consequences and unless you're equipped to handle them, you shouldn't do the action to begin with.
I happened to observe a situation yesterday that really got my goat. A man who has multiple children with three different women was "outing" one of them for publically speaking about his lack of contact with his children. He doesn't pay child support OR see the children at all. He made a public spectacle of her, rallied the troops, and condemned her for "making him look like a fool." I have several problems with this....
First off, a man that doesn't pay for his children is already a fool. Secondly, a man who feels the need to publically out (and tag) his ex is a fool. Thirdly, a man who feels the need to rally the troops is already a fool. In addition, a man who criticizes the woman who pays every red cent of the care for the children you BOTH produced and cares for their every need..that man is a fool. You see, this woman didn't make him look like a fool; he did. That woman simply called it like she saw it.
I guess the point of all of this is this: There's a bible verse that talks about not criticizing someone for the splinter in their eye when you have a plank in your own eye. No matter what your religious background (or lack thereof), the principle remains the same. Don't pick at someone else when you aren't exactly stand up yourself. Man whores that criticize the exes paying for THEIR babies and taking care of THEIR babies are trifling asshats that need to shut their mouths.
Rant over.
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