Friday, September 27, 2013

Moving On to Bigger and Better Things

Though the title of this refers to "bigger and better things," I suppose there's no true way to know for sure if what you're venturing into in the next big steps are bigger and better or just different.  Certainly, everything has its pros and cons and, honestly, sometimes (just like with a baby) a change of hands is a good thing.

There have been a lot of big steps and changes in my life over the past six months.  I've had a major surgery (well major to ME anyway), changed jobs, and now I'm changing vehicles and going back to having a car payment.  I have to trust that God's had His hand on all of this and that there is a bright side to all of these.  With that being said, I'm going to give a brief synopsis of the GREAT things about this and focus on the positives of these big changes today....

My surgery.  Honestly, four months after my surgery, I'm feeling pretty awesome.  I've gotten back into a regular workout routine.  It's not as intense as I've done previously but it's easing back into it and I'm feeling awesome with it.  It has made me start to feel like me again.  My health has been a lot better and (cover your ears boy) it IS definitely nice to not have periods anymore.  The hot flashes have subsided, for the most part.  I still get hit occasionally.  My body temperature seems to have gone back to  normal so I'm not hot all of the time.  The night sweats have mostly subsided. My mood swings are few and far between.  Honestly, the surgery did exactly what the doctor made me stronger and more able to take on the future.

My Job Change I went from being a gymnastics instructor to a nanny.  Let me first say that I definitely miss my little guys with gymnastics instruction.  With that being said, I also thankful.  I've already gotten attached to my little buddies during my time with them.  I already feel like they're family.  I've watched some of the strides they're already making and how much they smile when I get to spend time with them and it's wonderful.  I have an amazing boss and she advocates for me.  The whole family have amazingly big  hearts and I love it!  I don't think I could be more blessed in my job front!

My Car Ahhh my car, my baby.  While I am terribly sad to see it totaled out, let me focus on the positive.  Any legal ties I had to my ex on property are now gone.  I am only tied to him through my children now.  The car also needed some work that I won't have to focus on right away now.  My new vehicle (though having a payment stinks) is a great van and suits our family well.  It's a big blessing.

So on this "Flashback Friday", I want to turn my attention to the positives of the blessings that are coming and hope that there are more amazing blessings in my future that bring me even closer to the goals and prayers that I have.  Thank You Lord for all of the blessings I've been given.

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