Sunday, September 15, 2013

Window Shopping

Just for fun...okay more for window shopping, I was perusing engagement rings today and fell in love with one.  I'm contemplating proposing to myself so I can have the ring. LOL 
So here's my explanation as to why this is the ring that I'm in love with.....
1.  It's a small, relatively simple but beautiful ring.  This is the perfect symbolism of me...small, relatively simple but beautiful (and no, I'm not completely narcissistic)
2.  It's inexpensive...we're talking under $100.  This is important to me because I don't like wearing alot of money on me.  It's ridiculous to me to spend thousands of dollars on something that isn't about the's about the gesture and what it symbolizes.
3.  It's sterling silver as opposed to gold.  I'm not a gold fan...never have been.  I love the look of silver and I think that it's more suiting to my complexion, honestly.  Gold is too fru fru for me.
4.  There are four "loops" to represent my four crazies.  Especially being that I'm not some young, wet-behind-the-ears twenty something anymore, this is highly representative of my beautiful children and something I could wear on my hand that tied us all together as a family without the blah of a Mother's ring (which are beautiful for those that love jewelry but I'm not a huge jewelry person...I want an all-in-one here. LOL)
5.  The stone is a white sapphire.  Sapphire is my birth stone so I feel like the white sapphire would represent sort of where I came from and who I am.
6.  Finally the stone in the middle is round....and those of us that have seen "I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry" can tell you that a circle represents eternity.  It's never-ending. Haha!  Seriously though, the circle represents forever with the person I love most.
So, yes, engagement probably is a long time off (if it happens at all) but this is what I want to represent my beautiful family if it happens....the perfect gesture of love and the perfect ring to go with it.  On that note, maybe I'll propose to myself as a late birthday gift.

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