Tuesday, September 17, 2013

New Job

I started my new job yesterday and I'm already loving it.  I get the privilege of caring for two precious little munchkins (12 weeks and 14 weeks respectively) for two great families.  I think it will take a little bit of adjustment on all the people involved but I know it's for the best.  We're starting to work on sleep schedules (and schedules in general).  We're working on coordinating our own schedules and finding out what works best for everyone involved.  Thus far, though, here are my favorite things about being back in the world of nannying....

1.  Getting to be a part of a "family."  I have an amazing family of my own but this gives me the privilege of even more "family." 

2.  Even more smiling faces to see on a daily basis.  My little guys (well, guy and girl) are happy as clams to see me in the mornings and after each and every nap.  It's actually pretty awesome!

3.  Great hours, great pay

4.  Weekends off.

5.  Doing something I'm really GREAT at.

6.  Getting to take walks (work out) on the job and it benefits both the babies AND me!

More to come as I continue my job :)

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