Saturday, September 14, 2013

Taking Care of What You Have

Taking care of what you have is important.  In fact, I sometimes forget HOW important.  I get so wrapped up in how much things are gonna cost or how much time it'll take in the midst of my busy schedule that I forget that I need to take care of things.  My car is one of those examples.

I love my car.  In fact, I love my car a lot.  No, it's not the coolest car on the planet or the one that goes from 0-60 in under 30 seconds but it's mine and it's paid for and it's wonderful because of that.  My car needs a lot of maintenance right now.  I managed to get my plates for the year as well as getting one part fixed but it still needs a laundry list of other things done.

In seeing the list and spending time today (and I mean ALOT of time) scrubbing my car and taking care of it, I began to really think about how much this car has been through and how many amazing memories it has.  It's made trips from here to there and it even brought me out here.  It's my first new car that I've owned outright and it's seen Syd come home from the hospital, even.

I got a real reminder today of the fact that I need to really prioritize caring for my "baby" and making sure that it's taken care of in the most optimum fashion.  Here's to praying that money happens and I can make the things I want to fix come to fruition. :)

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