Sunday, September 8, 2013

Pray Big!

While I feel that it is good to set goals for the next year, my focus for tonight is going to be on what my ideal "next steps" would be.  Some of these are more attainable and realistic than others but bear with me; like I said, these are ideals, not expectations.  Please ALSO understand that this does NOT mean that I am not grateful for every single thing that I have.  God tells us to dream big and pray big.

HOUSE:  My ideal would be to move into a fantastic new house with room enough for the kids to have their own bedrooms and their own space.  The REALLY ideal would be that there would be a nice big yard with space for a garden, a play set/ play house, and room for me to have my own studio space, even if it's not a big one.

VEHICLES:  I would love to have my Uplander fixed up and brought back up to tip top shape to be a "run back and forth" vehicle but I would also love to get another vehicle, free and clear.  My dream vehicle is a Audi Q7 (AWD, etc).  If it was REALLY ideal, the Uplander would be a third vehicle and I'd get a smaller Audi for Tony to drive back and forth and a Q7 for me....I'd love for the Q7 to be the family vehicle and for me to get a Q5 but that's probably dreaming a little TOO big!  Haha

THE FEAR IS GONE:  I would love to have my children be able to have closure on their situation with their extended family, etc that is no longer around.  The really ideal would be seeing them get to achieve what they all ultimately want which is for our household to be a REAL family, legally and in every other way, without the threat of anyone else ever interfering with that in a negative way.

HEALTH:  I'd like to move my health one step further and get some dental work taken care of WITHOUT it being an emergency situation.  I'd also like to get everyone in the house well-physicals, well-dental exams, and well-eye exams.  In addition, I would like to be able to afford the luxury of taking the kids in for the orthodontic consults they're probably in need of.  Truly ideal?  Boobs...hey a girl can dream, right?  Hahaha

FINANCIAL BLESSING:  I've said it before and I'll say it stability, savings and the ability to give freely are the prayers of my lifetime.  College savings, vacation savings, regular savings, emergency savings, and so on and so forth.

THE CONSIDERATION OF "THE NEXT STEP":  While I am definitely not sure exactly what my future holds, I'd love the true ability to be able to consider the next step.  I'd like for us to be able to afford to take that next step, think of timing and decide if it's what we want without worrying about the financial aspect.

BULL DOGS AND KITTENS:  One of the things I miss the most is having pets.  The kids want things like bunnies, guinea pigs and fish (all of which I'd love to give them for responsibility's sake) but I'd love to get 2 bull dogs and 2 kittens.  If' I'm being REALLY ideal, I'd add a lab pup to it too so I have a running buddy.  I'd love for the bulldogs to be English bull dogs and at least one of them brindled....the kittens I just want to be VERY fuzzy.

WORK/BUSINESS:  I'd love for my freelance to pick up but even more than that, an ideal job would allow me to be home with my kids most of the time, having a flexible schedule but maybe be able to travel once every couple of months to see the sites.  I'd be able to be a room mother, coach, etc as much as I wanted because I could easily afford it.  I'd also have my own home studio.


ACTIVITIES AND SUCH FOR THE KIDS:  This kind of expands on several territories.  I'd love to get them all Kindles for school purposes and get the older two "emergency" cell phones.  I'd love to let them each get involved in a structured activity, be it a sport or whatever.  I'd love to be an involved parent IN that activity and in their school's PTSA, etc.

So that's the ideal.  If the universe is listening or God's feeling generous, there ya go.  You want to see me turn my blessings around even more times a million, allow me the opportunity to show what I can do.  The reality is that these are ideals...prayers....thinking big.  I'm thankful and grateful for all that I have regardless.  I'm very blessed.

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