Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Love to Learn

I, often, have people ask me how I managed to get my kids to like homework.  The short answer is that they don't.  They do, however, like LEARNING.  Just because they're little geeks like their mama doesn't mean that they don't still have "kid issues."

In answering the real question here, though (how did I get them to like learning), the answer is simple.  I encouraged their curiosity from the time they could talk.  I encouraged them to wonder.  I encouraged them to ask questions.  I encouraged them to answer their own questions by learning how to look up information.  If they couldn't find the answer in an encyclopedia, maybe they could find it in a non-fiction book or online (from a reputable site).  Maybe their answer required them to try an experiment.  Every answer they got sparked a new question and the cycle began again.

But how do I do it with my own child?

Well, I'll use the Olympics as an example.  Find an activity that your child might enjoy in the Olympics.  Maybe it's gymnastics or swimming or diving but maybe it's archery or some other sport.  Whichever one it is, get it ready on the TV and then get some supplies together: a map (or IPad/Tablet with a world map pulled up), some paper and writing supplies, and a printoff OR tablet/laptop with the current medal count pulled up.  As the athlete's come up, help your child find the country on the map, check out how many medals they have and watch the magic happen.  Your child's imagination and natural curiosity will start in.  Why do they only have one medal but other countries have 7?  Maybe it's the size of the country and the population.  How long have they been competing, as opposed to other countries?  In the small countries, how many sports do they compete in?  The list of questions will go on and on.  You'll have an opportunity to teach your kids all sorts of neat information just from sitting and watching the Olympics.

This is just one example, though!  There are so many opportunities to let your kids learn.  When they start doing this, their natural curiosity is sparked and they want to learn even more.  I didn't teach my kids to love homework; I taught them to love to LEARN!

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