Thursday, October 27, 2016


"If at first you don't succeed, try again."  It's something that you hear all the time.  It's a quote that every parent repeats and every teacher pounds into their student's heads.  But what if you feel like you can't try?  What if you're at the bottom of your rope and you don't know how to let go?  What if you feel like you don't want to get out of bed because it's just too hard?


I'm not even going to tell you to fake it until you make it.  I'm not going to tell you to pretend ANYTHING.  I just want you to take one breath at a time.  I want you to just get out of bed. Then focus on just taking a shower.  Then focus on just getting dressed.  One step at a time, you'll get through.  Try.  Keep trying and when you can't think of what to do next, keep trying some more.

Now I want to talk to the friends of those that can't try.  You need to try even harder.  I'm not asking you to fix things; there's no guarantee you can do that.  I want you to try.  I want you to call them to check on them and if they don't answer, keep calling. I want you to check on them.  I want you to do whatever you can to let them know you're there. Even if they turn you down a thousand times to go do something, try.  Even if they snap at you, try.  They are traveling a road that they are struggling to even see right now.  Try.  Just try.

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