Friday, December 6, 2013

Boobs....Some are big and some are small, some are fat and some are tall...

After seeing a rather obvious "guy post" on Facebook just now, I feel the need to reiterate (because I'm pretty sure I've said it before in this blog but I know  I've said it in person) my feelings on a topic that is near and dear to my heart (no pun intended)....boobs.  Yes, boobs.  Anyone who has NOT had children and is still young and perky, you can just ignore this post because you won't understand it unless or until you go through it.

Let's be honest: even men who SAY that they're butt men or leg men love boobs.  Somehow, in the past decade or more, it's become a bigger is better game for a lot of them.  Women in their 30s (and later) are expected to have the voluptuous body of a barely-legal-never-had-a-stretch mark girl.  It's an unfair expectation.  Meanwhile men are allowed to get pot bellies, thinning hair on their heads and increasing hair in their ears, noses, and body.  Now I'm not a huge women's right advocate and I'm not gonna tell you to burn your bra in protest of this expectation but it definitely isn't fair and causes a lot of women to feel down on themselves.

The fact is that EVERYONE'S bodies change as they age.  It's a part of nature.  It's a part that seems to be less and less apparent because of cosmetic surgery but it IS a part of nature.  For women that means a lot of things including (insert sad music) sagging boobs.  It can also mean weight gain which often either makes the breasts larger or makes them LOOK smaller because other parts of your body are bigger.  Men want to be critical sometimes but ask them if their....ummmm male parts look the same as they looked when they were young.  I'll bet you they get very very quiet.

The other fact I'd like to address is that when women birth babies, their bodies change too.  This is especially true of women that choose to breast feed.  Yes, there are the "freaks of nature" that birth a baby and don't have a single stretch mark and barely sagging breasts but guess what ladies...that will change when you age anyway.  Women get stretch marks (some darker than others...I'm fortunate that mine are very light) on many parts of their bodies during pregnancy and their breasts lose volume and (occasionally) size after breast feeding.  Is it fair?  No.  Is it the end of the world.  No.

Women spend so much time worrying about their body looking the same as it did when they were young.  "Oh I was 15 lbs lighter."  Well you had a little less on your plate back then.  "Oh my boobs were perfect back then."  Yes they were.  Buy a good bra, it'll work wonders on the girls.  Men are no help in this, most of the time, because they ogle girls with perfect, often cosmetically enhanced, breasts and say things like, "Well I think yours are nice."  NICE!?!  What the hell am I, a turkey that you're planning on cooking up?  LOL (No this isn't a personal experience here but I hear it frequently).

So here's my opinions.....

*Women's bodies do men's.  Men's just aren't apparent until they're naked, most of the time.

*Own whatever you've got.  I'm on the small side and I own it.  I have friends that are on the bigger side and THEY own it.  Boobs are boobs and they may not be much but they're yours.

*Buy a good bra.  Maybe you want something to boost the girls or pad them...great.  Just make sure it's supportive and comfortable for you, in the process.

*Stop worrying so much about cosmetic surgery.  In my opinion, the real thing is ALWAYS better than a fake.  If you don't agree, you let me know how that tofurkey works out for you next Thanksgiving.  The real thing might not be as aesthetically pleasing but it's natural and...gosh darn it, it's good for you.

*Realize that, despite how well they may hide it, there are a lot more women LIKE you than ones that are cosmetically enhanced.

and finally....

*There are a lot of health risks that CAN (don't martyr me on this because I know a lot of things go smoothly all the time) go wrong with breast augmentation and other such breast fixes.  As far as I'm concerned, I'd rather deal with boobs that aren't perfect than be one of those botched boob jobs you see on the internet...and believe me, that's my luck.

Whatever the case may be and whatever choice you make, own what you have.  And men...try to be easy on your women and let her know that you still think she's sexy, maybe even more so because she embraces her imperfections.

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