Tuesday, December 17, 2013

The Importance of Teaching Kids about Social Situations

I think that it's important to teach kids about how to handle themselves in social situations.  I am not, nor have I ever been, one of those parents that avoids taking my kids out for fear of a tantrum.  There are a great many reasons I haven't felt the need to do so.  Here goes.....

*I have brought them up to understand that they have to deal with being bored, uncomfortable, or "un-fun" sometimes.  Life is not always a big game and I think that teaching them that it is denies them the right to learn the lesson before adulthood.

*I am not afraid or embarrassed to pick them up and leave a cart full of groceries in the middle of the aisle to take them out to the car.  In fact, I've had to do it.....once.....the point was made and it didn't happen again.

*Teaching kids that you will constantly entertain them comes back to haunt you.

*I want people around me to practice manners and I practice manners with others.  I expect my children to learn the same...and I expect them to learn it through experience.

*If it was good enough for me, it's good enough for them.  Yes, that's right.  I'm saying that if I had to do it as a child, they can do it too.

*Not only do kids need to learn patience but they also need to learn the basic functions of places like the grocery store, the bank, or the post office.  There wasn't a car with a car attached to the front when I was a child and I learned how the grocery cart worked.  I learned how to make a deposit at the bank or write a check.  I learned how to mail a package or pick one up.  Important lessons are learned through experience.

and finally....

*Sometimes, right is just right.  I've repeated over and over that the upcoming generation is a bunch of entitled jerks.  Sometimes right is just right and there doesn't have to be a reason...no one is entitled to it.  It just is what it is.

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