Monday, December 30, 2013

My "Winter Break" in a Nutshell

It's back to work after a long week off.  I'm not gonna be "that mom" that says that I loved every second of the kids fighting because they're together 24/7.  I'm also not gonna be "that mom" that says that it was a grit-your-teeth experience to have that much time off with my kiddos.  It was a pleasant mix of both with more good than bad.  Here's a summary of my time off.....


*The Arguing....dear God the arguing....Kids that are together 24/7 with "nothing to do" fight damn near constantly some days.

*Plumbing issues.  Being without a second bathroom for a couple of days sucked....bad.  Knowing that poo was flooding our shower was disgusting and I'm thankful there was a second bathroom to use.  Water spilling out onto the bathroom floor each the toilet flushed....grrrr

*Inconsistent sleeping schedule made me nuts.  Because I'd nap during the day, I wasn't sleeping at night...which made me nap during the day....which made me not sleep at night.  Vicious circle.

*No money coming in (from me).  No work means no money and that sucks.


*Getting to spend much-needed time with the family.  Yes, some of it was just cuddling up watching a movie or cooking dinner together.  Regardless, spending time with my family in a completely unadulterated fashion rocked!  I say it all the time...if I could be a stay at home mom and still afford to live comfortably, I'd do it in a heart beat!

*Plumbing issues got us a new toilet that doesn't require the courtesy flush...and the floor and shower have never been cleaner after being scrubbed.

*Sleeping in and naps.  Yes, I still woke up at 5:00 half the time...but the rest of the time I slept in.  I napped if I was sleepy and it was wonderful.

*I could get my errands accomplished without freaking out.  I could move at my own pace.

*Christmas Eve and Christmas....nuff said.

*Saved gas money and didn't have to deal with traffic.

*Didn't have to think about dinner all day.  I could cook when it was time to cook.

*Mellow Mushroom....we went on a date night there and it was SOOOO delicious.  My favorite!

*Catching up on house stuff.  I finally got to do all the house stuff I was wanting to do and it was fantastic!

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