Thursday, December 5, 2013


There's so much that I'd love to do for my kids but I don't have the opportunity to do it.  The fact is that there are a lot of expressions about money...

"Money is the root of all evil."

"Money can't buy happiness."

"Money changes everything."

I have watched more than my share of shows about lottery winners that had their lives go to crap after they won.  Money CAN cause a lot of drama and crap for people.

With all of that being said, I don't believe that money does those things.  I believe that money gives people the opportunity to see who they really are.  When their lives go to crap, it's because they realize they were selfish.  I know plenty of "wealthy" people that are charitable, kind, hard-working people and who feel that while they HAVE money, it does not define who they are.  Honestly, that is my goal.  My goal is to have the money to give freely (and to be debt-free) but also to be able to allow my kids SOME privileges.  For me, that would be putting them in an extra-curricular activity for each of them, doing a special thing once a month (museum, zoo, theme park) that costs money and keeping the rest free or cheap (hiking, etc), and having money in savings that will actually equal up to something.  My goal is to finally be one of the people that proves these theories wrong.

Maybe God will bless this goal and maybe He won't but a dream is a dream and I'm going to continue to have it.  I don't want money to achieve mega selfish goals (plastic surgery, mansion in the hills with servants and such, etc) but to be with my family more, do more for others and show that I would still be a thrify, Savers-shopping mama even if I was a millionaire.

Stay tune for updates on how this mission is going (and I'm not holding my breath.)

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