Wednesday, December 11, 2013

The American Dream

What is the American dream?  Has it changed from years past?  Is it different for everyone?  Mine is relatively simple....

1.  GET MARRIED.  I want to have a small ceremony with some of our nearest and dearest and make it memorable.  Ideally, I'd love to have it outdoors someplace with a pavilion/garden, have a cookout after and then maybe camp for the weekend.

2.  DUCKS IN A ROW:  There are a number of things here including debt-free, people out of my life that need out, money in the bank, financial plan/budget, etc.  I am not one of those people that wants to have a wedding that puts us into debt forever.  Ideally, I'd love to have no debts.

3.  OUR OWN HOUSE:  I am very thankful for the house we rent now but I'd love to own our own house (yes, outright) with 5 bedrooms and an office for me along with a garage for my man.  I'd love to have a nice, fenced backyard or maybe even acreage where I could release the kids to run like maniacs.  I'd want to paint the kids' rooms to be their favorite colors and buy new furniture, electronics and appliances (because I only wanna have to buy all new stuff once).  This would include matching dishes, a nice pot and pan set, nice towels and so on.

4.  2 AWD VEHICLES IN GOOD MAINTENANCE:  AWD is nearly a must have for Colorado snow.  I'd love to have two.  If I'm really going for gold, I'd love either a Chevy Traverse AWD or an Audi Q7 AWD.....super ideal? Seat warmers *angels sing hallelujah*

5.  KIDS IN ONE ACTIVITY THAT THEY LOVE.  That might be one sport in the fall and another in the spring but something they can look forward to, meet friends with similar interests in, and so on. 

6.  STAY AT HOME MOM/WORK FROM HOME:  This is more of an ideal.  I'd love to be a work from home mom that can be with my kids when they're sick, be at their school functions, etc but still be able to work and contribute to my family.

7.  HELP, HELP, HELP: I want to be able to help others out with my time, finances, etc.  I want to be able to help out that single mom who needs someone to watch their child after school while they go to the doctor.  I want to be able to pay a bill for someone who came up short this month but who tries their heart out.  I want to be able to say, "Here, host your birthday party at my house...don't worry about paying a fortune to rent a hall."  These are the things my American dream holds.

Will I ever achieve these?  That remains to be seen.  Someday, I hope to say yes and to hear of other people's American dream too.

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