Thursday, April 17, 2014

12 Things Adults Should Stop Doing

1. Stop assuming that your parents had it all wrong. That's not to say that parents had it all right. That's not to say that bad choices weren't made. With that being said, adults often spend way too much time wishing they'd have listened to their parents' advice. 

2. Stop telling people how they should feel. Feelings are feelings..period. You can't tell someone how to feel any more than you can tell the wind which way to blow. It's tragic to lose your parent but that doesn't mean that your friend should never be able to feel angry at their mom. It's hard to go through divorce and bitter feelings exist but that doesn't mean your friend shouldn't be angry without seeing a lawyer.

3. Stop making excuses. Don't tell me about why you can't go play catch with your kid. Go do it. Don't tell me why you can't visit your family more. Make time. Excuses make very effective regrets later on.

4. Stop bullying. Ladies, this means YOU. There is a thick line between not liking someone and having a mean girl complex. You not liking someone means you vent to a friend and ignore them. You being a bully means you rally the troops to hate who you dislike, make things up, and act with a pack mentality.

5. Stop treating your mate like they're disposable. Your mate probably loves you more than anyone. Don't take it for granted. If the grass is greener on the other side, chances are it's bullshit fertilizing it. 

6. Stop worrying about your body. If you're unhealthy, fix it. With that being said, stop worrying if you look like a Kardashian or not. Celebrity magazine covers are airbrushed and photo shopped. Its not any more real than a fairy tale is.

7. Stop trying to make everyone think like you. Variety is the spice of life. Religions, cultures, background, and circumstance make people think and feel differently. It's fine to debate but don't get offended if people don't think like you. It doesn't make them dumb to be different. 

8. Stop calling people stupid. There are a great many people who don't exercise common sense. They're not stupid. Stupidity is lack of education. Most people are educated. Their thinking is a choice. 

9. Stop treating people like they're below you. Where people get off with the arrogant holier than thou attitude is beyond me. It takes all kinds of people to make the world go round. Someone has to haul trash, flip burgers, push grocery carts, and clean bathrooms. Disagree? Think how you feel in a public place when those things AREN'T done.

10. Stop acting like you should start at the top instead of working your way up. It is a rare 20 year old that owns a house without help from their family or inheritance. 22 year old CEOs are a rarity too. Don't expect to start at the top. Humility is a great trait in a leader and it's earned, not given.

11. Stop listening to doctors and studies. I should clarify: Stop listening ONLY to doctors and studies. Read all approaches, try things out and figure out what works best for you. Everyone is different inside and out. 

And finally....

12. Stop living like a teenager. Being an adult is hard and tireless most of the time but it's time to be a grown up. Stop acting like a kid and realize life is about learning and growing. Own your 30s or 40s or whatever age you are. Show the upcoming generation how to rock this stuff.

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