Friday, March 18, 2016

Hug a Flu Friend

I've been down for two days with a nasty bug of some type.  Massive headache and inability to get warm started it (three blankets and the fireplace still couldn't keep me warm) along with mild nausea.  Then the nausea got worse....and the vomiting.  Suffice it to say that the mild nausea and mild aches I'm feeling today are a welcome "treat" to how I've been feeling.  It sucked.

I've decided that we should start a new tradition of "Hug a Flu Friend."  It doesn't have to be someone infected with the flu itself.  It can be any illness.  I'm obviously not suggesting you hug them WHILE they're sick but after they've made it through it.  Give them a hug and then bathe yourself in Purel. (Totally kidding.  My thoughts on hand sanitizer are going to be saved for another day).

Seriously, though, if you ARE the flu friend, please allow me to make a few suggestions....

1.  Don't come to work puking unless you have to.  Seriously, just don't.  You're spreading your funk without even realizing it.  You feel miserable and everyone around you is in a proverbial state of panic thinking they will end up with your virus.

2.  Stop trying to drink ginger ale to stop throwing up.  Ginger ale is meant to soothe an upset stomach and, in some cases, won't even do that.  Drink fluids....real fluids.  If you're vomiting, you need the fluids more than the sweet bubbly goodness of a soda.

3.  Please do NOT bring your sick kid to school if it's been less than 24 hours since they've puked.  I'm more inclined to say 48 hours just to be safe.  Realistically no one is safe when you have the "but she hasn't thrown up in three hours and she looks okay."

4.  Sleep!  If you are not forced into working, sleep whenever you can.  Your body uses that sleep to regenerate its energy.

and finally....

5.  Do not infect your friends, if you can help it.  Seriously, stop going out and giving your friends your funk.  You know who you are...the ones who annouce as you're sharing french fries with someone that you just spent the whole night throwing up.  Meanwhile you're friends are wondering how safe it is to go home and drink a bottle of peroxide to cleanse their system of your germs (do NOT drink peroxide, by the way).  Don't be that guy!

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