Tuesday, March 22, 2016

The Attacks in Brussels

Another senseless attack has taken place in Brussels.  The last count of those who perished was 28 (15 at the train station and 13 at the airport), though there is very real possibility that the number will grow.  The country has been on high alert since a terrorist was recently apprehended there.  My thoughts and prayers go out to the families of the victims and to the people of Belgium.  It's terrifying knowing that someone has attacked your home turf.

Trump (and others) has one thing right: Terrorism is our biggest threat as a nation.  It's a loose cannon ready to threaten our well-being at any given turn.  I, personally, don't believe that it's all people of one faith, creed, culture, or race.  Contrary to some things that I've read, they are not dumb.   They are pissed off and have no concern about dying for their cause.  That's what makes them most dangerous: they're willing to kill themselves in order to kill those that they're attacking.

Should we live in fear?  No.  It would do no good to sit and worry 24/7/365.  Whatever is going to happen is going to happen.  All you can do is be as prepared as possible, pray, and be alert. Note that second one.....pray.  Pray for our nation.  Pray for our world.  If you're not a person of faith (one that prays), send good vibes.  Whatever the case may be, our world is in total and complete disarray.

The politicians will use today's events to further their campaigns.  Realistically, we want to hear them do just that.  We want to hear what they'll do to protect us.  It's all well and good to talk about how you'll bully and man handle but take a moment and truly think about who these terrorists are.  Do you honestly think you can bully them into submission?  It's all well and good to say the simple solution is to close the borders completely but, just like many other countries, there are sleeper cells already here.  If you think that closing the borders means complete safety, you're wrong.  It's all well and good to say that you're gonna make this country do this and force this country to do that but the new guy in town (meaning the new President, whoever that is) coming in and thinking they can run everything and force others into submission is just not going to happen.  I don't care if you're a great businessman or a great lawyer or a great doctor, there are some things that politicians actually excel at and, like it or not, working with other leaders is one of them.

What I, personally, would like to hear today is not a bunch of hot air.  I don't want to hear a bunch of lofty promises that are likely to end up broken.  I want to hear compassion.  I want to hear compassion for the people in Brussels.  I want to hear how we are going to come together as a nation.  I don't want to hear the yada yada of how you'll swoop in like Superman and take everyone out in one big punch because it's a load of crap.  I want to hear how you're going to help us come together as a nation and then promote togetherness in the world.  I want to hear how you're going to make us stronger as a nation, as a group.  I want to hear what we're going to do to encourage (not force but encourage) other nations to come together.

My thoughts and prayers go out to Brussels today and in the days ahead as they mourn those lost.  May God bless them and may God bless our world.

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