Sunday, March 27, 2016

SPD Mom Anxiety

I have to remind myself every now and then that it's good for my SPD son to experience things that seem scary to me.  Being the parent of a sensory processing disorder child can be the kind of experience that makes you extra cautious.  You become extra-sensitive to noise levels because you know that too much noise can be very overwhelming.  You become extra-sensitive to conditions that are too hot or too cold because not only do conditions like that make him have a sensory flare but the clothing required for these conditions can cause sensory issues as well.  You become extra-sensitive to making certain that he's protected from any condition that you can.  Even though he's very well-adjusted, I'm still a cautious mom.

I'm helping my son pack for overnight camp.  Having sensory issues, I'm extra-sensitive to the fact that it might get cold so long underwear, extra socks, and so on. With that said, Colorado sun is potent so sunscreen, sunglasses, and a hat.  Earplugs for if he gets too over stimulated by the noise. Notebook to sketch in if he gets overstimulated during hang out times in between structured activities.  Everything is a process.

As I sit here anxiously packing with him, he can see I'm getting worried.  He looks at me and says, "Mom I'm gonna be fine.  You've got me prepared."  I'm worried but I'm confident that my little guy isn't so little anymore.  He's figuring this out and he's doing awesome.  These experiences are good for him and I'm so proud of him for coming so far.

Have faith, SPD moms, there is light at the end of the tunnel.

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