Thursday, March 3, 2016

You can Never Be Too Kind

My sunny, funny daughter celebrates her birthday today.  The kid can light up a room just by walking in.  She's literally been that way since the moment she was born.  It's a force that I don't know if I'll ever understand but it's a blessing to be a part of.  One of the biggest things that she represents daily is that everyone deserves to know that they're special.  Her explanation?  I always tell all of them (my kids) how special they are and it makes her feel wonderful so she wants to pass it on to everyone else.  My explanation?  It's just who she is.  God made her with a heart to just love people.

So today I decided to celebrate what she represents.  Everyone deserves to feel special.  When was the last time you took the time to let those you love know that you appreciate them?  On a daily basis, it's something I have a passion for doing this and it's something that my daughter shares.  There is something to be said for just telling someone how much you are thankful for the things that they do for you daily.  It might be something really small.  It might be huge things that they complete daily.  Regardless, it's always a great idea to let someone know that you recognize their efforts and that it means a lot to you.

Now, when was the last time you told someone random how special they are?  Maybe they're not a close friend but you can see they're having a rough day.  Maybe you see they're struggling with self esteem.  Maybe you just think they need a boost.  Maybe there's no reason at all.  It can completely change the course of someone's day to hear how special they are and how much they bring to the world.  It can encourage them, touch their heart, and give them motivation to keep plugging away even if times are hard.  You see, this is what my daughter (and I) truly believe in can never be too kind.

I can't wait to see the things that my daughter achieves in her life and what she chooses to do with this great love and encouraging spirit within her.  The one thing I know for sure is that she is definitely an amazing little girl and I'm thankful for her every single day

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