Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Bad Days

Sometimes it's just one of those days.  Here's how you get through.....

1.  Breathe.  It sounds simple but just taking a few minutes to take a deep breath (or 10-12 deep breaths) just helps you re-center yourself.

2.  Scream.  Don't scream AT anyone.  Just find a nice open space and scream.  Here's the catch....you need to scream something positive.  "I'm worth it!  I'm awesome! I've got this!"  Screaming something that loudly that is so positive will likely have a positive effect on your overall mood.

3.  Think about the dancing baby from "Ally McBeal".  Bet you didn't think you'd ever think about that again...and I bet you smirked.  You're welcome.

4.  Go for a walk.  The endorphins will do you good and the fresh air can heal almost any case of the blahs.

5.  Call a friend.  Even if you can't get together, just hearing their voice can be enough.

6.  Hug someone.  If you can hunt down Channing Tatum, hug him....but ask first because, you know, boundaries.

7.  Sing out loud.  Maybe it's feel good songs or maybe it's heavy metal head-banging music....sing....loudly.  It never fails to improve one's mood.

8.  Repeat this mantra.... "This is only one moment, not a lifetime.  It's gonna get better."  Sounds cheesy but thinking positive can make a huge difference.

If all else fails, go back to bed, take a nap and start the day again. If it's too late in the day, have a glass of wine, take a bath and relaxxxxxxxxx.

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