Wednesday, May 4, 2016

To the Single Mom on Mother's Day

To the Single Mom on Mother's Day:

You did it!  You kicked ass for another year!  Your kids are thriving, you're making changes in your life and you're killin in just like you always do.  I know it can be discouraging, today, to see married moms get flowers and massages while you're still busy doing the exact same things you always do.  I know that, today, just like every other day, you're going to doubt yourself at least two or three times and wonder if you're doing something wrong...wonder if you're doing a good enough job.  You are.  Your kids see how hard you fight and how much you work hard to make their lives easier.  Your kids see that you're the constant in their life.  Your kids see that you're a fighter...a survivor.  They appreciate it, even if they don't say it all of the time.  The next year is going to be always is.  The next year is going to be always is.  But you're going to kill it just like you always do.  Smile and know that you are awesome!  Flowers would be nice but the work ethic, toughness and love that you're instilling in your kids is worth so much more.  Hang in fact, don't just hang in there; climb up on that ledge, drop kick that stuff in your path and go farther than you thought you could!  You're amazing, Mama!


Side note:  A whole lot of these things apply to married moms too.  I'm not, at all, underestimating motherhood, in general.  What I will say is this: single moms often deal with a more "thankless" job than married moms.  People don't often realize that when a married mom says she gets "no break", the reality is that single moms literally have no break.  All of us are in this together.  Hug a single mom and let her know that you see how hard she works and I'll bet she'll hug you back and tell you that you're kicking ass just as hard :)

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