Sunday, May 15, 2016

Prescription Drug Abuse...Mind Boggling Documentary

I recently watched a documentary on Netflix called "Prescription Thugs" and it confirmed everything I've thought for years.  While I continue to do research on this topic, here are some staggering facts that you might be interested to know.....

The United States is just 5% of the world's population but consumes a whopping 75% of the world's prescription drugs.  If this isn't mind boggling to you, I don't know what is.

A majority of prescription drugs abused are obtained from a family member or someone the user knows.

The most-abused drugs fall into 3 categories (in order from largest to smallest): painkillers, tranquilizers, stimulants.

Americans account for 99% of the world's Vicodin consumption.  Let that roll around in your brain for a second....99%!

Opoids (such as oxycontin, etc) are derived from some of the same ingredients and have many of the same effects as heroin.  Yes, that's right: heroin.

Drugs like Valium produce nearly the same effects as Rohypnol (aka the date rape drug)

Drugs like Ritalin (and similar ADD/ADHD drugs) have the same effects on your brain as cocaine.

There are several  studies indicating that taking antidepressants can actually INCREASE suicidal thoughts.  A drug you are supposed to be taking to help you can actually make it worse.

Now here are some of my personal opinions based on my research:

I am not a big fan of prescription drugs taken on a regular basis.  I think that God and Mother Nature have supplied us with a vast array of wonderful natural cures and that, quite often, what ails us can be resolved by balancing our body chemistry.  In short, sometimes just getting out and taking a walk in the sunshine can help your mood instead of having to pop a pill.  Sometimes just changing your diet to less processed food can help your weight, blood sugar and such.  Sometimes, just changing a child's diet and activity can help their inability to focus.  Are there exceptions?  Absolutely.  However, I feel that many things are over-diagnosed and the drugs prescribed do more harm than good.

I believe that some OTC (over the counter) drugs are equally as addictive and harmful to our bodies.  Overuse of OTC painkillers can severely damage your digestive system.  Overuse of sleeping pills, even on an OTC level, can be extremely addictive.  The list goes on and on.  I believe that there are natural cures that people are unaware of.  Sometimes, just limiting your screen time can help you fall asleep faster.  Sometimes just taking a nap can help that headache.  Sometimes exercising and building the muscles around that "bad back" can help you not have to pop an ibuprofen or other such drug on a daily basis.

I believe that many prescription drugs are designed to make you need more drugs.  For instance, you might start taking a drug for high blood pressure.  Within five years, it seems like many people that do this start needing drugs for cholesterol, stomach issues, diabetes, and on and on.  While onlookers can assume that this is just their health deteriorating, no one is paying attention to the fact that the problems didn't start until they started taking an artificial substance to "help" them.

Look, I believe that there are benefits to prescription drugs in some cases.  Antibiotics, when used properly, can be beneficial.  Post surgery pain killers can be beneficial.  There are instances where these drugs are helpful and I'm thankful for the technology that creates them.  However, I think that when we look into other options, there are many times that we can be our own best advocate and let our bodies take care of themselves.

Keep learning about this and tell me what you think.

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