Friday, May 6, 2016

To the Working Mom on Mother's Day

Dear Working Mom,

You did it!  You made it through another year!  Your kids are doing fantastic and you're killing it!

You have a unique situation on Mother's Day and you face unique struggles.  Your struggle is having to be away from your little ones during the day in order to provide them a better quality of life (or, in some cases, just to provide them life period because, let's face it, life is expensive).  Most working moms don't want to be away but it's a necessary evil.  Most have to rely on child care whether it's a family member, nanny, day care or anything of the like.  We're always wondering, "Are we doing the right thing?"

The answer is yes, mama!  Don't second guess yourself.  You're working your ass off and your kids are thriving.  Don't listen to the haters.  Don't listen to the negative people that want to judge you.  There will always be someone complaining.  Know that your nanny (or day care teacher or whatever the case may be) sees all the amazing things you do and they're spending all day telling your little ones how much you love them.  Know that their teachers see that you're doing you're best and how much you love them.

Even more than that, know this, Mama....your kids see it too.  They're learning that hard work is the key to succeeding in life.  They're learning that sacrifice is essential.  They see that every moment you have with them is so much more special BECAUSE you have to be away during the day.  Believe me, Mama...they'll know it as they age. They'll know that you had to go to work but that you were doing it ALL for them.

Keep your chin up.  You're doing fantastic!


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